Class NotificationEventCallback

    • Method Detail

      • handleResult

        public boolean handleResult​(Object result)
        Description copied from interface: ComponentEventCallback
        Invoked to handle a non-null event handler method result. The handler should determine whether the value is acceptable, and throw an exception if not. Any thrown exception will be wrapped to identify the component and method from which the value was returned. Boolean values are not passed to the callback. Booleans are used to indicate that the event has been handled (true, meaning the event is handled and aborted) or that a further search for handlers should continue (false, meaning the event was not handled, is not aborted, and the search up the component hierarchy for event handler methods should continue). If a component event method returns true, then Event.isAborted() will return true.
        Specified by:
        handleResult in interface ComponentEventCallback
        result - the result value returned from the event handler method
        true if the event is aborted, false if the event may continue