Jakarta Tapestry - Developers

Jakarta Tapestry - Developers

Tapestry is a community project, and now follows the Apache Software Foundation meritocracy rules to guide its future development. Tapestry Developers plan features, discuss and vote on the Tapestry Developers' Mailing List.

The following are the current Tapestry committers.

Mind Bridge

Mind Bridge has been a long term contributor to Tapestry.

Neil Clayton

Neil has contributed to the Component Reference, and undertaken the daunting task of creating a new (and actually useful) Tapestry Tutorial, which is nearing completion.

Paul Ferraro

Paul has been an avid Tapestry user since 2002.

Erik Hatcher

Erik began by contributing Javadoc fixes (flagged by IDEA) as he was learning Tapestry. He has added the OGNL type converter facility for expression bindings and is active in making the Table component easy to use.

Harish Krishnaswamy

Harish is a Tapestry enthusiast and is also becoming a HiveMind enthusiast. Hopefully he will help integrate the two.

Richard Lewis-Shell

Richard is one of the real early adopters of Tapestry.

Howard Lewis Ship

Howard started the Tapestry project in early 2000.

Geoff Longman

Geoff has advanced Tapestry light years with his excellent Eclipse plug-in, Spindle.

David Solis

David is another long-term user, and has added a suite of WML components to the framework.

Brian Wallace

Brian started active development in Tapestry's 3.0 maintenance branch after adopting it prior to its move to Apache.