
Tapestry makes use of the Apache group's Log4J package to perform logging. This is an easy, fast, powerful framework for adding logging to any Java application. Using Log4J, any number of loggers can be created, and a logging level for each logger assigned. Tapestry uses the complete class name as the logger for each class.

The ApplicationServlet class includes a method, setupLogging(), to help initialize Log4J, allowing the default configuration to be overridden using command line parameters.

The Tapestry Inspector includes a Logging tab that allows the logging configuration to be dynamically changed. The logging level for any logger can be assigned, and new loggers can be created.

What this means is that, using the Inspector, it is possible to control exactly what logging output is produced, dynamically, while the application is still running. The Tapestry Inspector is easily added to any Tapestry application.