Appendix D. Tapestry Script Specification DTD

Table of Contents

<body> element
<foreach> element
<if> element
<if-not> element
<include-script> element
<initialization> element
<input-symbol> element
<let> element
<script> element
<set> element
<unique> element

Tapestry Script Specifications are frequently used with the Script component, to create dynamic JavaScript functions, typically for use as event handlers for client-side logic.

The root element is <script>.

A script specifcation is a kind of specialized template that takes some number of input symbols and combines and manipulates them to form output symbols, as well as body and initialization. Symbols may be simple strings, but are also frequently objects or components.

Script specifications use an Ant-like syntax to insert dynamic values into text blocks. ${OGNL expression}. The expression is evaluated relative to a Map of symbols.