
Creates a <a> hyperlink to an IExternalPage which may be bookmarked using the hyperlink's URL.

See also: org.apache.tapestry.link.ExternalLink , DirectLink , GenericLink , PageLink , ServiceLink


Name Type Direction Required Default Description
page String in yes The name of a application page to link to.
parameters Object or Object[] or List in no An array of objects to be encoded into the URL. These parameters will be passed to IExternalPage.activateExternalPage() method.
disabled boolean in no false Controls whether the link is produced. If disabled, the portion of the template the link surrounds is still rendered, but not the link itself.
anchor String in no The name of an anchor or element to link to. The final URL will have '#' and the anchor appended to it.
scheme String in no The required scheme ("http" or "https", typically) for the URL. This will force the creation of an absolute URL when the current request's scheme does not match the value for this parameter. This is most often used to switch to "https" for secure portions of an application (such as a login page), before switching back to standard "http" for the majority of an application.
port Integer in no The required port (80, 443, 8080. 8443, typically) for the URL. This will force the creation of an absolute URL when the current request's scheme does not match the value for this parameter. This is most often used in conjunction with scheme to switch to "https:443"/"https:8443" for secure portions of an application (such as a login page), before switching back to standard "http:80"/"http:80" for the majority of an application.
target String in no The target window to use in the link.
renderer ILinkRenderer in no The object which will actually render the link.

Body: allowed

Informal parameters: allowed

Reserved parameters: href


This example illustrates a page displaying some content based on an id and a language code. It contains a link to view the same content in German.

<a href="#" 
   parameters="ognl:{articleId, 'de'}" 
>view this article in German</a>

<div jwcid="@Insert" value="ognl:content">content of the article</div>
package com.myexample;

import org.apache.tapestry.IExternalPage;
import org.apache.tapestry.IRequestCycle;
import org.apache.tapestry.html.BasePage;

public abstract class ViewArticle extends BasePage implements IExternalPage {

  public abstract Integer getArticleId();
  public abstract void setArticleId(Integer articleId);
  public abstract String getLanguageCode();
  public abstract void setLanguageCode(String language);
  public void activateExternalPage(Object[] params, IRequestCycle cycle) {
    setArticleId((Integer) params[0]);
    setLanguageCode((String) params[1]);

  public String getContent() {
    // retrieve the content of the article for the selected language