Module tapestry.bindings
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[public] Configuration Point tapestry.bindings.PropertyNameBindingFactoriesOccurs: unbounded
Used to map specific component property names with a binding - but only in the case where a prefix hasn't been specified. Currently this is used to help bind updateComponents="foo,bar" parameters.
Element <binding>
Attribute propertyName (required) (unique) Translator: string
The component property name which should cause a binding match for this binding - but only if no specific prefix (such as ognl:) has been specified.
Attribute service-id (required) Translator: service
The service associated with the given propertyName.
Conversion Rules
<push-attribute attribute="service-id" />
<invoke-parent method="addElement" />
Contribution from module tapestry.bindings
<binding propertyName="updateComponents" service-id="ClientIdListBindingFactory" />

Module tapestry.bindings
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