001    // Copyright 2006, 2007, 2010 The Apache Software Foundation
002    //
003    // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
004    // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
005    // You may obtain a copy of the License at
006    //
007    // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
008    //
009    // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
010    // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
011    // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
012    // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
013    // limitations under the License.
015    package org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.services;
017    import org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.Location;
018    import org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.ObjectCreator;
020    import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
021    import java.lang.reflect.Method;
023    /**
024     * Service used when dynamically creating new classes.
025     * 
026     * @deprecated In 5.3, use {@link PlasticProxyFactory} instead
027     */
028    public interface ClassFactory
029    {
030        /**
031         * Simplified version of {@link #newClass(String, Class)} that generates a name based on the service interface name,
032         * extends from java.lang.Object, and automatically adds the serviceInterface to the returned ClassFab. This is the
033         * most common use when creating the kinds of proxies used throughout Tapestry IoC.
034         * 
035         * @param serviceInterface
036         */
037        ClassFab newClass(Class serviceInterface);
039        /**
040         * Creates a {@link ClassFab} object for the given name; the new class is a subclass of the indicated class. The new
041         * class is always public and concrete.
042         * 
043         * @param name
044         *            the full qualified name of the class to create (note that it is common to place created classes
045         *            in the default package)
046         * @param superClass
047         *            the parent class, which is often java.lang.Object
048         */
050        ClassFab newClass(String name, Class superClass);
052        /**
053         * Imports the class to make it referenceable within the factory. The class loader for the class is added to the
054         * class path. The class itself is returned, if its bytecode is available. If not, a search up the inhertance occurs
055         * until a proper class (that can be referenced in generated bytecode) is found. This is necessary to handle cases
056         * where a class is generated at runtime, outside of the class factory, and bytecode is not available for it.
057         * 
058         * @param clazz
059         * @return a referenceable super-class
060         */
061        Class importClass(Class clazz);
063        /**
064         * Returns the number of classes (and interfaces) actually created.
065         */
067        int getCreatedClassCount();
069        /**
070         * Returns the class loader used when creating new classes; this is generally the same as the current thread's
071         * context class loader (except perhaps during testing).
072         */
073        ClassLoader getClassLoader();
075        /**
076         * Converts a method to a {@link Location}, which includes information about the source file name and line number.
077         * 
078         * @param method
079         *            to look up
080         * @return the location, or null if the necessary information is not available
081         */
082        Location getMethodLocation(Method method);
084        /**
085         * Return a string representation for the constructor (including class and parameters) and (if available) file name
086         * and line number.
087         */
088        Location getConstructorLocation(Constructor constructor);
090        /**
091         * Creates a proxy for an interface. All methods of the interface are delegated through the
092         * object returned from the {@link ObjectCreator} (which is accessed on each method invocation, so it
093         * is responsible for caching of the true delegate). The description will be used for the toString() method
094         * (unless toString() is part of the proxy interface).
095         * 
096         * @param <T>
097         *            type of proxy
098         * @param proxyInterface
099         *            proxy interface class
100         * @param delegateCreator
101         *         creates the delegate
102         * @param description
103         *            used for the toString() method
104         * @since 5.2.0
105         */
106        <T> T createProxy(Class<T> proxyInterface, ObjectCreator delegateCreator, String description);
108        /**
109         * Creates a proxy for an interface. All methods of the interface are delegated through the
110         * object returned from the {@link ObjectCreator} (which is accessed on each method invocation, so it
111         * is responsible for caching of the true delegate). The description will be used for the toString() method
112         * (unless toString() is part of the proxy interface).
113         * 
114         * @param <T>
115         *            type of proxy
116         * @param proxyInterface
117         *            proxy interface class
118         * @param delegateClass
119         *         delegate class
120         * @param delegateCreator
121         *         creates the delegate
122         * @param description
123         *            used for the toString() method
124         * @since 5.2.0
125         */
126        <T> T createProxy(Class<T> proxyInterface, Class<? extends T> delegateClass, ObjectCreator delegateCreator,
127                String description);
128    }