001    // Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 The Apache Software Foundation
002    //
003    // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
004    // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
005    // You may obtain a copy of the License at
006    //
007    // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
008    //
009    // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
010    // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
011    // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
012    // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
013    // limitations under the License.
015    package org.apache.tapestry5.services;
017    import org.apache.tapestry5.Asset;
018    import org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.Resource;
019    import org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.annotations.UsesMappedConfiguration;
020    import org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.services.SymbolSource;
021    import org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.services.ThreadLocale;
023    import java.util.Locale;
025    /**
026     * Used to find or create an {@link org.apache.tapestry5.Asset} with a given path.
027     * <p/>
028     * Assets are defined with a domain, and the domain is indicated by a prefix. The two builtin domains are "context:"
029     * (for files inside the web application context) and "classpath:" for files stored on the classpath (typically, inside
030     * a JAR, such as a component library). Other domains can be defined via contributions to the AssetSource service.
031     * <p/>
032     * Since, is is preferred that
033     * {@link org.apache.tapestry5.services.AssetFactory#createAsset(org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.Resource)} return an instance
034     * of {@link org.apache.tapestry5.Asset2}.
035     */
036    @UsesMappedConfiguration(AssetFactory.class)
037    public interface AssetSource
038    {
039        /**
040         * Finds the asset. The path may either be a simple file name or a relative path (relative to the base resource)
041         * <em>or</em> it may have a prefix, such as "context:" or "classpath:", in which case it is treated as a complete
042         * path within the indicated domain. The resulting Resource is then localized (to the provided Locale) and returned
043         * as an Asset.
044         * <p/>
045         * The AssetSource caches its results, so a single Asset instance may be shared among many different components.
046         * 
047         * @param baseResource
048         *            base resource for computing relative paths, or null to search the classpath
049         * @param path
050         *            relative to the base resource
051         * @param locale
052         *            locale to localize the final resource to, or null for the thread's current locale
053         * @return the asset
054         * @throws RuntimeException
055         *             if the asset can not be found
056         */
057        Asset getAsset(Resource baseResource, String path, Locale locale);
059        /**
060         * Finds the asset, either on the classpath or (if prefixed), within the indicated domain. The result is not
061         * localized. The underlying Asset may not exist.
062         * 
063         * @param path
064         *            to the resource to provide as an Asset
065         * @return Resource for the path (the Resource may not exist)
066         * @since
067         */
068        Resource resourceForPath(String path);
070        /**
071         * Convienience for finding assets on the classpath.
072         * 
073         * @param path
074         *            path to the base resource, relative to classpath root
075         * @param locale
076         *            to localize the resource to
077         * @return the asset
078         * @throws RuntimeException
079         *             if the asset can not be found
080         */
081        Asset getClasspathAsset(String path, Locale locale);
083        /**
084         * Convienience for finding assets in the context.
085         * 
086         * @param path
087         *            path relative to the base resource (the context root)
088         * @param locale
089         *            to localize the resource to, or null for the locale for the current request
090         * @return the asset
091         * @throws RuntimeException
092         *             if the asset can not be found
093         * @since
094         */
095        Asset getContextAsset(String path, Locale locale);
097        /**
098         * Obtains a classpath alias in the current locale (as defined by the {@link ThreadLocale} service).
099         * 
100         * @param path
101         *            relative to the classpath root
102         * @return the asset
103         * @throws RuntimeException
104         *             if the asset can not be found
105         */
106        Asset getClasspathAsset(String path);
108        /**
109         * Find an asset but does not attempt to localize it. If the path has no prefix, it is assumed to
110         * be on the classpath.
111         * 
112         * @since 5.2.0
113         * @throws RuntimeException
114         *             if the asset can not be found
115         */
116        Asset getUnlocalizedAsset(String path);
118        /**
119         * As with {@link #getUnlocalizedAsset(String)}, but {@linkplain SymbolSource#expandSymbols(String) symbols
120         * in the path are expanded}.
121         * 
122         * @since 5.2.0
123         */
124        Asset getExpandedAsset(String path);
125    }