001// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
002// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
003// You may obtain a copy of the License at
005// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
007// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
008// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
009// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
010// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
011// limitations under the License.
013package org.apache.tapestry5.plastic;
015import java.lang.reflect.Method;
018 * Simplifies the generation of method instructions for a particular method (or constructor), allowing bytecode to be
019 * created with a friendlier API that focuses on Java type names (names as they would appear in Java source) rather than
020 * JVM descriptors or internal names. In some limited cases, types may be specified as Java Class instances as well.
021 * In addition, there is good support for primitive type boxing and unboxing.
022 *
023 * Most methods return the same instance of InstructionBuilder, allowing for a "fluid" API.
024 *
025 * More complex functionality, such as {@linkplain #startTryCatch(TryCatchCallback)
026 * try/catch blocks}, is more like a DSL (domain specific language), and is based on callbacks. This looks better in
027 * Groovy and will be more reasonable once JDK 1.8 closures are available; in the meantime, it means some deeply nested
028 * inner classes, but helps ensure that correct bytecode is generated and helps to limit the amount of bookkeeping is
029 * necessary on the part of code using InstructionBuilder.
030 */
032public interface InstructionBuilder
034    /**
035     * Returns the default value for the method, which may be null, or a specific primitive value.
036     */
038    InstructionBuilder returnDefaultValue();
040    /**
041     * Loads this onto the stack.
042     */
043    @Opcodes("ALOAD")
044    InstructionBuilder loadThis();
046    /**
047     * Loads the null constant onto the stack.
048     */
049    @Opcodes("ACONST_NULL")
050    InstructionBuilder loadNull();
052    /**
053     * Loads an argument onto the stack, using the opcode appropriate to the argument's type. In addition
054     * this automatically adjusts for arguments of primitive type long or double (which take up two
055     * local variable indexes, rather than one as for all other types)
056     *
057     * @param index to argument (0 is the first argument, not this)
058     */
059    @Opcodes("ALOAD, ILOAD, LLOAD, FLOAD, DLOAD")
060    InstructionBuilder loadArgument(int index);
062    /**
063     * Loads all arguments for the current method onto the stack; this is used when invoking a method
064     * that takes the exact same parameters (often, a super-class implementation). A call to {@link #loadThis()} (or
065     * some other way of identifying the target method) should precede this call.
066     */
067    @Opcodes("ALOAD, ILOAD, LLOAD, FLOAD, DLOAD")
068    InstructionBuilder loadArguments();
070    /**
071     * Invokes an instance method of a base class, or a private method of a class, using the target object
072     * and parameters already on the stack. Leaves the result on the stack (unless its a void method).
073     *
074     * @param containingClassName class name containing the method
075     * @param description         describes the method name, parameters and return type
076     */
077    @Opcodes("INVOKESPECIAL")
078    InstructionBuilder invokeSpecial(String containingClassName, MethodDescription description);
080    /**
081     * Invokes a standard virtual method.
082     */
083    @Opcodes("INVOKEVIRTUAL")
084    InstructionBuilder invokeVirtual(String className, String returnType, String methodName, String... argumentTypes);
086    @Opcodes("INVOKEVIRTUAL")
087    InstructionBuilder invokeVirtual(PlasticMethod method);
089    /**
090     * Invokes a standard virtual method.
091     */
092    @Opcodes("INVOKEINTERFACE")
093    InstructionBuilder invokeInterface(String interfaceName, String returnType, String methodName,
094                                       String... argumentTypes);
096    /**
097     * Automatically invokes an interface or virtual method. Remember to use {@link #invokeConstructor(Class, Class...)}
098     * for constructors and {@link #invokeSpecial(String, MethodDescription)} for private methods.
099     */
101    InstructionBuilder invoke(Class clazz, Class returnType, String methodName, Class... argumentTypes);
103    /**
104     * Automatically invokes an interface or virtual method. Remember to use {@link #invokeConstructor(Class, Class...)}
105     * for constructors and {@link #invokeSpecial(String, MethodDescription)} for private methods.
106     */
107    InstructionBuilder invoke(Method method);
109    /**
110     * Invokes a static method of a class.
111     */
112    @Opcodes("INVOKESTATIC")
113    InstructionBuilder invokeStatic(Class clazz, Class returnType, String methodName, Class... argumentTypes);
115    /**
116     * Returns the top value on the stack. For void methods, no value should
117     * be on the stack and the method will simply return.
118     */
120    InstructionBuilder returnResult();
122    /**
123     * If the type name is a primitive type, adds code to box the type into the equivalent wrapper type, using static
124     * methods on the wrapper type. Does nothing if the type is not primitive, or type void.
125     */
126    @Opcodes("INVOKESTATIC")
127    InstructionBuilder boxPrimitive(String typeName);
129    /**
130     * Unboxes a wrapper type to a primitive type if typeName is a primitive type name (the value on the stack
131     * should be the corresponding wrapper type instance). Does nothing for non-primitive types.
132     *
133     * @param typeName possibly primitive type name
134     */
135    @Opcodes("INVOKEVIRTUAL")
136    InstructionBuilder unboxPrimitive(String typeName);
138    /**
139     * Loads an instance field onto the stack. The object containing the field should already be loaded onto the stack
140     * (usually, via {@link #loadThis()}).
141     *
142     * @param className name of class containing the field
143     * @param fieldName name of the field
144     * @param typeName  type of field
145     */
146    @Opcodes("GETFIELD")
147    InstructionBuilder getField(String className, String fieldName, String typeName);
149    /**
150     * Loads an instance or static field onto the stack. The plastic class instance containing the field should already be loaded
151     * onto the stack (usually, via {@link #loadThis()}).
152     *
153     * @param field identifies name, type and container of field to load
154     */
155    @Opcodes("GETFIELD")
156    InstructionBuilder getField(PlasticField field);
158    /**
159     * Loads a field onto the stack. This version is used when the
160     * field type is known at build time, rather than discovered at runtime.
161     *
162     * @param className name of class containing the field
163     * @param fieldName name of the field
164     * @param fieldType type of field
165     */
166    @Opcodes("GETFIELD")
167    InstructionBuilder getField(String className, String fieldName, Class fieldType);
169    /**
170     * Gets a static field; does not consume a value from the stack, but pushes the fields' value onto the stack.
171     *
172     * @param className name of class containing the field
173     * @param fieldName name of the field
174     * @param fieldType type of field
175     */
176    @Opcodes("GETSTATIC")
177    InstructionBuilder getStaticField(String className, String fieldName, Class fieldType);
179    /**
180     * Gets a static field; does not consume a value from the stack, but pushes the fields' value onto the stack.
181     *
182     * @param className name of class containing the field
183     * @param fieldName name of the field
184     * @param typeName  type of field
185     */
186    @Opcodes("GETSTATIC")
187    InstructionBuilder getStaticField(String className, String fieldName,
188                                      String typeName);
191    /**
192     * Sets a static field; the new field value should be on top of the stack.
193     *
194     * @param className name of class containing the field
195     * @param fieldName name of the field
196     * @param fieldType type of field
197     */
198    @Opcodes("PUTSTATIC")
199    InstructionBuilder putStaticField(String className, String fieldName, Class fieldType);
201    /**
202     * Sets a static field; the new field value should be on top of the stack.
203     *
204     * @param className name of class containing the field
205     * @param fieldName name of the field
206     * @param typeName  type of field
207     */
208    @Opcodes("PUTSTATIC")
209    InstructionBuilder putStaticField(String className, String fieldName,
210                                      String typeName);
212    /**
213     * Expects the stack to contain the instance to update, and the value to store into the field.
214     */
215    @Opcodes("PUTFIELD")
216    InstructionBuilder putField(String className, String fieldName, String typeName);
218    @Opcodes("PUTFIELD")
219    InstructionBuilder putField(String className, String fieldName, Class fieldType);
221    /**
222     * Loads a value from an array object, which must be the top element of the stack.
223     *
224     * @param index       constant index into the array
225     * @param elementType the type name of the elements of the array
226     *                    <strong>Note: currently only reference types (objects and arrays) are supported, not
227     *                    primitives</strong>
228     */
229    @Opcodes("LDC, AALOAD")
230    InstructionBuilder loadArrayElement(int index, String elementType);
232    /**
233     * Loads a value from an array object. The stack should have the array at depth 1, and an array index
234     * on top. Only object arrays (not arrays of primitives) are supported.
235     */
236    @Opcodes("AALOAD")
237    InstructionBuilder loadArrayElement();
239    /**
240     * Adds a check that the object on top of the stack is assignable to the indicated class.
241     *
242     * @param className class to cast to
243     */
244    @Opcodes("CHECKCAST")
245    InstructionBuilder checkcast(String className);
247    @Opcodes("CHECKCAST")
248    InstructionBuilder checkcast(Class clazz);
250    /**
251     * Defines the start of a block that can have exception handlers and finally blocks applied.
252     * Continue using this InstructionBuilder to define code inside the block, then call
253     * methods on the InstructionBlock to define the end of the block and set up handlers.
254     *
255     * @param tryCatchCallback allows generation of try, catch, and finally clauses
256     */
257    InstructionBuilder startTryCatch(TryCatchCallback tryCatchCallback);
259    /**
260     * Creates a new, uninitialized instance of the indicated class. This should be followed
261     * by code to call the new instance's constructor.
262     *
263     * @param className of class to instantiate
264     */
265    @Opcodes("NEW")
266    InstructionBuilder newInstance(String className);
268    /**
269     * A convenience version of {@link #newInstance(String)} used when the class is known
270     * at build time.
271     *
272     * @param clazz to instantiate
273     */
274    @Opcodes("NEW")
275    InstructionBuilder newInstance(Class clazz);
277    /**
278     * Invokes a constructor on a class. The instance should already be on the stack, followed
279     * by the right number and type of parameters. Note that a constructor acts like a void method,
280     * so you will often follow the sequence: newInstance(), dupe(0), invokeConstructor() so that a reference
281     * to the instance is left on the stack.F
282     *
283     * @param className     the class containing the constructor
284     * @param argumentTypes java type names for each argument of the constructor
285     */
286    @Opcodes("INVOKESPECIAL")
287    InstructionBuilder invokeConstructor(String className, String... argumentTypes);
289    @Opcodes("INVOKESPECIAL")
290    InstructionBuilder invokeConstructor(Class clazz, Class... argumentTypes);
292    /**
293     * Duplicates the top object on the stack, placing the result at some depth.
294     *
295     * @param depth 0 (DUP), 1 (DUP_X1) or 2 (DUP_X2)
296     */
297    @Opcodes("DUP, DUP_X1, DUP_X2")
298    InstructionBuilder dupe(int depth);
300    /**
301     * Duplicates a wide value (a primitive long or double).
302     */
303    @Opcodes("DUP2")
304    InstructionBuilder dupeWide();
306    /**
307     * Pops a wide value (a primitive long or double).
308     */
309    @Opcodes("POP2")
310    InstructionBuilder popWide();
312    /**
313     * Duplicates the top object on the stack. Commonly used with {@link #when(Condition, WhenCallback)}.
314     *
315     * @see #dupe(int)
316     */
317    @Opcodes("DUP")
318    InstructionBuilder dupe();
320    /**
321     * Discards the top value on the stack. Assumes the value is a single word value: an object reference, or a small
322     * primitive) and not a double or long.
323     */
324    InstructionBuilder pop();
326    /**
327     * Swaps the top element of the stack with the next element down. Note that this can cause problems if the top
328     * element on the stack
329     * is a long or double.
330     */
331    @Opcodes("SWAP")
332    InstructionBuilder swap();
334    /**
335     * Loads a constant value
336     *
337     * @param constant Integer, Float, Double, Long, String or null
338     */
340    InstructionBuilder loadConstant(Object constant);
342    /**
343     * Loads a Java type (a Class instance) as a constant. This assumes the type name is the name of class (or array)
344     * but not a primitive type.
345     *
346     * @param typeName Java class name
347     */
348    @Opcodes("LDC")
349    InstructionBuilder loadTypeConstant(String typeName);
351    /**
352     * Loads a Java type (a Class instance) as a constant. This assumes the type name is the name of class (or array)
353     * but not a primitive type.
354     *
355     * @param type Java type to load as a constant
356     */
357    @Opcodes("LDC")
358    InstructionBuilder loadTypeConstant(Class type);
360    /**
361     * Casts the object on top of the stack to the indicated type. For primitive types, casts to the wrapper type
362     * and invokes the appropriate unboxing static method call, leaving a primitive type value on the stack.
363     *
364     * @param typeName to cast or unbox to
365     */
367    InstructionBuilder castOrUnbox(String typeName);
369    /**
370     * Throws an exception with a fixed message. Assumes the exception class includes a constructor that takes a single
371     * string.
372     *
373     * @param className name of exception class to instantiate
374     * @param message   message (passed as first and only parameter to constructor)
375     */
377    InstructionBuilder throwException(String className, String message);
380    InstructionBuilder throwException(Class<? extends Throwable> exceptionType, String message);
382    /**
383     * Throws the exception on the top of the stack.
384     */
385    @Opcodes("ATHROW")
386    InstructionBuilder throwException();
388    /**
389     * Starts a switch statement.
390     *
391     * @param min the minimum value to match against
392     * @param max the maximum value to match against
393     */
394    @Opcodes("TABLESWITCH")
395    InstructionBuilder startSwitch(int min, int max, SwitchCallback callback);
397    /**
398     * Starts a block where the given name is active.
399     *
400     * @param type     type of local variable
401     * @param callback generates code used when variable is in effect
402     */
403    InstructionBuilder startVariable(String type, LocalVariableCallback callback);
405    /**
406     * Stores the value on top of the stack to a local variable (previously defined by
407     * {@link #startVariable(String, LocalVariableCallback)}.
408     */
410    InstructionBuilder storeVariable(LocalVariable variable);
412    /**
413     * Loads a value from a local variable and pushes it onto the stack. The variable is defined by
414     * {@link #startVariable(String, LocalVariableCallback)}.
415     */
416    @Opcodes("ALOAD, ILOAD, LLOAD, FLOAD, DLOAD")
417    InstructionBuilder loadVariable(LocalVariable variable);
419    /**
420     * Executes conditional code based on a {@link Condition}. The testing opcodes all pop
421     * the value off the stack, so this is usually preceded by {@link #dupe(int) dupe(0)}.
422     *
423     * @param condition defines true and false cases
424     * @param callback  provides code for true and false blocks
425     * @return this builder
426     */
427    @Opcodes("IFEQ, etc., GOTO")
428    InstructionBuilder when(Condition condition, WhenCallback callback);
430    /**
431     * Simplified version of {@link #when(Condition, WhenCallback)} that
432     * simply executes the callback code when the condition is true and does nothing
433     * if the condition is false (the more general case).
434     *
435     * The testing opcodes all pop the value off the stack, so this is usually preceded by {@link #dupe(int) dupe(0)}.
436     *
437     * @param condition to evaluate
438     * @param ifTrue    generates code for when condition is true
439     * @return this builder
440     */
441    @Opcodes("IFEQ, etc., GOTO")
442    InstructionBuilder when(Condition condition, InstructionBuilderCallback ifTrue);
444    /**
445     * Implements a simple loop based on a condition. First the {@linkplain WhileCallback#buildTest(InstructionBuilder)}
446     * code is executed, then the condition is evaluated (which will consume at least the top value on the stack).
447     * When the condition is false, the loop is exited. When the condition is true, the code defined by
448     * {@link WhileCallback#buildBody(InstructionBuilder)} is executed, and then a GOTO back to the test code.
449     *
450     * @param condition
451     * @param callback
452     * @return this builder
453     */
454    @Opcodes("IFEQ, etc., GOTO")
455    InstructionBuilder doWhile(Condition condition, WhileCallback callback);
457    /**
458     * Expects an array to be the top value on the stack. Iterates the array.
459     * The callback generates code that will have each successive value from the array
460     * as the top value on the stack. Creates a variable to store the loop index.
461     *
462     * @param callback to invoke. The element will be the top value on the stack. The callback is responsible
463     *                 for removing it from the stack.
464     * @return this builder
465     */
466    @Opcodes("IINC, ARRAYLENGTH, IFEQ, etc., GOTO")
467    InstructionBuilder iterateArray(InstructionBuilderCallback callback);
469    /**
470     * Increments a local integer variable.
471     *
472     * @return this builder
473     */
474    @Opcodes("IINC")
475    InstructionBuilder increment(LocalVariable variable);
477    /**
478     * Expects the top object on the stack to be an array. Replaces it with the length of that array.
479     */
480    @Opcodes("ARRAYLENGTH")
481    InstructionBuilder arrayLength();
483    /**
484     * Special comparison logic for primitive float, double and long. Expect two matching wide values
485     * on the stack. Reduces the two wide values to a single int value: -1, 0, or 1 depending on whether the deeper
486     * value is less than, equal to, or greater than the top value on the stack.
487     *
488     * @param typeName
489     */
490    @Opcodes("LCMP, FCMPL, DCMPL")
491    InstructionBuilder compareSpecial(String typeName);