Class TypeCoercerImpl

    • Method Detail

      • coerce

        public java.lang.Object coerce​(java.lang.Object input,
                                       java.lang.Class targetType)
        Description copied from interface: TypeCoercer
        Performs a coercion from an input type to a desired output type. When the target type is a primitive, the actual conversion will be to the equivalent wrapper type. In some cases, the TypeCoercer will need to search for an appropriate coercion, and may even combine existing coercions to form new ones; in those cases, the results of the search are cached. The TypeCoercer also caches the results of a coercion search.
        Specified by:
        coerce in interface TypeCoercer
        targetType - defines the target type
        the coerced value
      • getCoercion

        public <S,​T> Coercion<S,​T> getCoercion​(java.lang.Class<S> sourceType,
                                                           java.lang.Class<T> targetType)
        Description copied from interface: TypeCoercer
        Given a source and target type, computes the coercion that will be used. Note: holding the returned coercion past the time when the cache is cleared can cause a memory leak, especially in the context of live reloading (wherein holding a reference to a single class make keep an entire ClassLoader from being reclaimed).
        Specified by:
        getCoercion in interface TypeCoercer
        Type Parameters:
        S - source type (input)
        T - target type (output)
        sourceType - type to coerce from
        targetType - defines the target type
        the coercion that will ultimately be used
      • explain

        public <S,​T> java.lang.String explain​(java.lang.Class<S> sourceType,
                                                    java.lang.Class<T> targetType)
        Description copied from interface: TypeCoercer
        Used primarily inside test suites, this method performs the same steps as TypeCoercer.coerce(Object, Class), but returns a string describing the series of coercions, such as "Object --> String --> Long --> Integer".
        Specified by:
        explain in interface TypeCoercer
        Type Parameters:
        S - source type (input)
        T - target type (output)
        sourceType - the source coercion type (use void.class for coercions from null)
        targetType - defines the target type
        a string identifying the series of coercions, or the empty string if no coercion is necessary