Class PasswordField

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    ClientElement, Field

    public class PasswordField
    extends AbstractTextField
    A version of TextField, but rendered out as an <input type="password"> element. Further, the output value for a PasswordField is always blank. When the value provided to the PasswordField is blank, it does not update its property (care should be taken that the "required" validator not be used in that case). Includes the size attribute, if a Width annotation is present on the property bound to the value parameter.
    See Also:
    Form, TextField, TextArea
    Component Parameters 
    NameTypeFlagsDefaultDefault Prefix
    annotationProviderorg.apache.tapestry5.commons.AnnotationProvider  prop
    Provider of annotations used for some defaults. Annotation are usually provided in terms of the value parameter (i.e., from the getter and/or setter bound to the value parameter).
    clientIdString  literal
    Used to explicitly set the client-side id of the element for this component. Normally this is not bound (or null) and is used to generate a unique client-id based on the component's id. In some cases, when creating client-side behaviors, it is useful to explicitly set a unique id for an element using this parameter. Certain values, such as "submit", "method", "reset", etc., will cause client-side conflicts and are not allowed; using such will cause a runtime exception.
    ensureClientIdUniquebooleanSince 5.4 prop
    A rarely used option that indicates that the actual client id should start with the clientId parameter (if non-null) but should still pass that Id through to generate the final id. An example of this are the components used inside a org.apache.tapestry5.corelib.components.BeanEditor which will specify a clientId (based on the property name) but still require that it be unique. Defaults to false.
    nullsorg.apache.tapestry5.NullFieldStrategy defaultnullfieldstrategy
    Defines how nulls on the server side, or sent from the client side, are treated. The selected strategy may replace the nulls with some other value. The default strategy leaves nulls alone. Another built-in strategy, zero, replaces nulls with the value 0.
    translateorg.apache.tapestry5.FieldTranslatorRequired, Not Null translate
    The object which will perform translation between server-side and client-side representations. If not specified, a value will usually be generated based on the type of the value parameter.
    validateorg.apache.tapestry5.FieldValidatorNot Null validate
    The object that will perform input validation (which occurs after translation). The validate binding prefix is generally used to provide this object in a declarative fashion.
    valueObjectRequired prop
    The value to be read and updated. This is not necessarily a string, a translator may be provided to convert between client side and server side representations. If not bound, a default binding is made to a property of the container matching the component's id. If no such property exists, then you will see a runtime exception due to the unbound value parameter.

    Component Events 