Interface AspectDecorator

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface AspectDecorator
    A decorator used to create an interceptor that delegates each method's invocation to an MethodAdvice for advice. Advice can inspect or change method parameters, inspect or change the method's return value, and inspect and change thrown exceptions (checked and unchecked).
    • Method Detail

      • createBuilder

        <T> AspectInterceptorBuilder<T> createBuilder​(java.lang.Class<T> serviceInterface,
                                                      T delegate,
                                                      java.lang.String description)
        Creates a builder that can be used to create the interceptor. This is used when only some of the methods need to be advised, or when different methods need to receive different advice, or when multiple advice is to be applied.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the service interface.
        serviceInterface - defines the interface of the interceptor and the delegate
        delegate - the object on which methods will be invokes
        description - used as the toString() of the interceptor unless toString() is part of the service interface
        a builder that can be used to generate the final interceptor
      • createBuilder

        <T> AspectInterceptorBuilder<T> createBuilder​(java.lang.Class<T> serviceInterface,
                                                      T delegate,
                                                      AnnotationAccess annotationAccess,
                                                      java.lang.String description)
        Creates a builder that can be used to create the interceptor. This is used when only some of the methods need to be advised, or when different methods need to receive different advice, or when multiple advice is to be applied.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the service interface.
        serviceInterface - defines the interface of the interceptor and the delegate
        delegate - the object on which methods will be invokes
        annotationAccess - provides access to combined annotations of the underlying service and service interface
        description - used as the toString() of the interceptor unless toString() is part of the service interface
        a builder that can be used to generate the final interceptor