Interface ValidatorMacro

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface ValidatorMacro
    Allows support for "validator macros", a simple-minded way of combining several related valiations together under a single name. The service's configuration maps string keys (macro names) to string values (validation constraints).
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      java.lang.String valueForMacro​(java.lang.String validatorMacro)
      Given a potential validator macro (a simple string name), returns the value for that macro, a comma-separated list of validation constraints.
    • Method Detail

      • valueForMacro

        java.lang.String valueForMacro​(java.lang.String validatorMacro)
        Given a potential validator macro (a simple string name), returns the value for that macro, a comma-separated list of validation constraints.
        constraints, or null if no such validator macro