History of Changes
Version 3.0.4 (Mar 27 2006)
Fixed TemplateParser throws an exception and stops parsing when duplicate attributes are found in a tag. (GL) Fixes TAPESTRY-431
Javassist url was incorrect (JK) Thanks to Brian K. Wallace. Fixes TAPESTRY-877
Removed old tutorial example. (JK) Thanks to Brian K. Wallace. Fixes TAPESTRY-878
Double checked locking bug prevents use of multi processor environments (efficiently). Thanks to Nick Westgate. (JK) Fixes TAPESTRY-806
binding for convertor needed to be inherited-binding. (JK) Thanks to Kurtis Williams. Fixes TAPESTRY-241
AssetService not resolving file prefixes correctly.(JK) Thanks to Brian K. Wallace. Fixes TAPESTRY-193
It seems that DirectLink and/or PopupLinkRenderer should be checking for Form rewind and not rendering in that case. (JK) Thanks to Brian K. Wallace. Fixes TAPESTRY-774
TableFormPages does not support inherited informal parameters that are required to set the stylesheet class. (JK) Thanks to Brian K. Wallace. Fixes TAPESTRY-221
Add finnish validation strings (JK) Thanks to Joni Suoinen. Fixes TAPESTRY-310
Modified text raw="yes" to raw="true" for user guide Insert component documentation.(JK) Thanks to Brian K. Wallace. Fixes TAPESTRY-646
Patches to Javadoc to explicitly state that URLs returned from ExternalService will already be encoded.(JK) Thanks to Brian K. Wallace. Fixes TAPESTRY-422
If LinkSubmit is mixed with other submit components in the same form, erroneous submits can occur from pages accessed via the browser back button. This happens because LinkSubmit's hidden variable is never reset. (JK) Thanks to Nick Westgate. Fixes TAPESTRY-339
Version 3.0.3 (Mar 26 2005)
Build scripts are now Java 1.5 friendly. (PF)
Fixes security flaw in asset service. (PF) Fixes TAPESTRY-278.
JanitorThread now terminates explicitly when servlet is destroyed. Interruption properly terminates thread during sweep operation. (PF) Fixes TAPESTRY-230.
Fixed bug preventing DatePicker calendar window from closing automatically if onchange event handler is not specified. (PF) Fixes TAPESTRY-238.
DatePicker onchange event now only fires when date changes. (PF) Fixes TAPESTRY-277.
Patch for bad translation in ValidationStrings_zh_TW.properties (PF) Thanks to Xi Ping Wang. Fixes TAPESTRY-255.
Patch for bad translation in ValidationStrings_zh_CN.properties (PF) Thanks to Xi Ping Wang. Fixes TAPESTRY-251.
Fixed incorrect test for enabling rendering of element in FormConditional component. (PF) Thanks to Michael Hamilton. Fixes TAPESTRY-1.
Fixes missing type attribute of script tag in Body component. (PF) Thanks to Markus Wiederkehr. Fixes TAPESTRY-283.
Fixes improper engine cleanup when client aborts a request. (PF) Thanks to Matthew Mead.
Version 3.0.2 (Feb 14 2005)
Fix build settings for JDOM and Jetty. (EH) Fixes TAPESTRY-214, TAPESTRY-216, TAPESTRY-227.
Upgrade OGNL to 2.6.7. This should move to 2.7.0 as soon as it is released. (EH)
Added call to onchange for DatePicker pop-up selections. (EH) Fixes TAPESTRY-238.
Provide localized validation messages for Simplified Chinese (zh_CN). (HLS) Thanks to Xi Ping Wang. Fixes TAPESTRY-249.
Provide localized validation messages for Swedish. (HLS) Thanks to Niklas Ekman. Fixes TAPESTRY-139.
Ignored interruptedException prevents Janitorthread termination. (HLS) Fixes TAPESTRY-230.
The online Tapestry component reference for 3.0.1 for @Foreach component has an error in the example section. (HLS) Thanks to Morten Holm. Fixes TAPESTRY-248.
Persistent properties can't be set to null. (HLS) Thanks to Michael Frericks. Fixes TAPESTRY-218.
ListEdit component reference should list source and value as required. (HLS) Thanks to Sadanori Ito. Fixes TAPESTRY-200.
FAQ link to Spring integration document is broken. (HLS) Thanks to Wouter de Vaal. Fixes TAPESTRY-189.
[PATCH] ValidationStrings_de.properties (HLS) Thanks to Dominik Kreutz. Fixes TAPESTRY-167.
Have RenderString implement useful toString(). (HLS) Fixes TAPESTRY-258.
Change ListEditMap to never return null from getDeletedKeys(). (HLS) Fixes TAPESTRY-260.
Version 3.0.1 (Oct 16 2004)
Add PopupLinkRenderer to contrib, this renderer emits javascript to launch the link in a new window. (DS)
Make IMessages smartly expand exceptions into their message, or their class name. (HLS)
Provide a public implementation of ITemplateParserDelegate. (HLS) Fixes 30261.
Added a clearErrors() method to IValidationDelegate. (HLS)
Ensure that the page's requestCycle property is set before finishLoad() is invoked on any component. (HLS) Fixes 29850.
Fix NPE in ValidationDelegate when the form has errors recorded for fields that did not render. (HLS) Fixes 29871.
Palette does not clear its selected list when no selections are made. (HLS) Fixes 30384.
Allow abstract pages/components even if no specified properties (or other enhancements) (HLS) Fixes 26967.
Shell component should allow informal parameters (HLS) Fixes 30086.
Version 3.0 (Apr 18 2004)
Workbench/Upload exception when no file specified (HLS) Fixes 28345.
Add FormConditional to Component Reference (DS) Fixes 28396.
Add element parameter to contrib:Choose (DS) Fixes 28422.
Remove a small optimization that compromised storage of mutable objects as persistent page properties. (HLS) Fixes 28454.
Version 3.0-rc-3 (Apr 7 2004)
Add docs on how to report problems. (HLS)
Pass the java.security.ProtectionDomain to the parent class loader when creating an enhanced class, to allow Tapestry operation inside secure environments such as Tomcat. (HLS) Thanks to Mats Forstöf. Fixes 28202.
NPE in org.apache.tapestry.form.LinkSubmit. (DS) Thanks to sito@htf.highway.ne.jp. Fixes 28177.
Make checks for unimplemented abstract methods optional, to work around a bug in IBM JDK 1.3.1 (used with Websphere 4.x). (HLS) Fixes 27956.
Allow more primitive types to be used with parameter direction auto (byte, char, short, float and long) in addition to the previously accepted types (boolean, int, double and objects). (HLS) Fixes 28235.
Version 3.0-rc-2 (Apr 1 2004)
Fix problems in the binary distribution. (HLS) Fixes 28057.
Create proper OGNL context when checking for invariant OGNL expressions (when initializing component properties). (HLS) Fixes 27954.
DataSqueezer: Incorrect exception message (HLS) Fixes 27628.
ExpressionBinding optimizes expressions incorrectly (HLS) Fixes 28010.
Version 3.0-rc-1 (Mar 15 2004)
Update Component Reference to use 3.0 syntax (DS)
Update the license to Apache Software License 2.0. (HLS)
Added 'raw' attribute to FieldLabel component. (EH)
Removed the out-of-date Tutorial. (HLS)
Update DatePicker to use a graphic icon to hide and show the calendar. (HLS)
Dynamically download OGNL and Javassist libraries (in accordance with ASF directives about non-ASL code). Unfortunately, this means that we no longer can distribute precompiled examples that include those libraries. (HLS)
ValidationDelegate.writeLabelPrefix/Suffix does not have IValidator access (EH) Fixes 27656.
Fix javadoc. (DS) Thanks to Michael M. Brzycki. Fixes 27630, 27631.
Incorrect example code. (DS) Fixes 27567.
InspectorButton docs have incorrect links. (DS) Thanks to Michael M. Brzycki. Fixes 27551.
Palette doesn't retain user-specified sort order (HLS) Fixes 18288.
Don't use request.getRemoteHost() since that requires an expensive reverse DNS lookup. (HLS) Fixes 23544.
Fix typos and inaccuracies in the 3.0 DTD comments. (HLS) Thanks to basile.chandesris. Fixes 27071.
Fix logic in client-side validation. (HLS) Thanks to Jamie Orchard-Hays. Fixes 27202, 27203, 27227.
DatePicker doesn't use the current Locale in its formatter (HLS) Thanks to Karel Miarka. Fixes 27110.
Check for duplication of ids between the HTML template and the specification. (HLS) Fixes 20932.
Fix some number conversion problems inside NumberValidator. (HLS)
Version 3.0-beta-4 (Feb 5 2004)
Added new validator, Pattern Validator (HK)
Change direction of parameter model for WML components, SelectionField and PropertySelection (DS)
Convert the Tapestry home page to build using Forrest. (HLS) Thanks to Tetsuya Kitahata.
Updated javadoc build target to link to JDK 1.3 () Thanks to Michael M. Brzycki.
Updated Component Reference for WML components (DS)
Made DateValidator's getEffectiveFormat()/getEffectiveDisplayFormat() public (RLS)
Updated to use DocBook 1.62.4 XSL stylesheets for documentation generation (RLS)
Moved info priority logging to debug priority (RLS)
Custom parameter binding properties only enhanced if abstract (RLS)
Updated the Table components to have an easier interface, similar to that of Foreach. (MB)
current OGNL 2.6.3 needs to be used (MB) Fixes 23870.
Changed code to no longer invoke StringUtils.isEmpty() / isNonEmpty() (this is because the behavior of the method is changing between jakarta-commons 1.0 and 2.0). (HLS)
Add an implementation of toString() to RequestCycle. (HLS)
Update all copyrights for 2004. (HLS)
Remove unncessary constructor from test case classes. (HLS)
Changed mock unit tests to redirect System.out and System.err to log files rather than the console. (HLS)
Improve the documentation for the Palette component, providing a real example of CSS styles used with the component. (HLS) Thanks to Glen Stampoultzis.
Added Servlet API 2.4 from Tomcat 5 and ejb.jar from Geronimo. Made the mock objects compatible with Servlet API 2.4. (MB)
Evaluate the string 'false' as Boolean.FALSE. All other non-empty strings continue to be evaluated as Boolean.TRUE. (MB)
Automatically download external dependencies (such as Forrest and McKoi DB). (MB)
Fixed the byte[] mapping in org.apache.tapestry.enhance.JavaClassMapping (DS)
Fixed the null pointer exception from FieldLabel when not enclosed by Form or when IValidationDelegate is not provided (HK)
The key attribute of the script foreach is changed to not be a required attribute (HK)
Added support for OGNL TypeConverter in expression bindings (EH)
build.properties.sample does not include jython.dir (MB) Fixes 21833.
Table component doesn't sort fine when there are null values (MB) Fixes 22840.
Wrong Package in link (MB) Fixes 22640.
JavaDoc: should IField be IFieldTracking?? (MB) Fixes 22641.
contrib:PopupLink ignores informal parameters (MB) Fixes 23668.
Wrong Package in link (MB) Fixes 22635.
Typo: "In a IListenerBindingSpecification" (MB) Fixes 22634.
Add url parameter to Shell component (MB) Fixes 22694.
Problem with URL encodings at EngineServiceLink.java (MB) Fixes 23511.
The source parameter of Foreach should be required (MB) Fixes 23227.
tests failing under JDK 1.3 (MB) Fixes 20252.
Name attribute gets duplicated in TextField (MB) Fixes 23500.
DateField component throws an ApplicationRuntimeException (MB) Fixes 22835.
NumericField component throws an ApplicationRuntimeException (MB) Fixes 22836.
Using NumericField cause a ClassCastException (MB) Fixes 22837.
Compatibility of the AbstractEngine to servlet-api 2.2 (MB) Fixes 24467.
patch to allow workbench to work with JDK 1.4.2 and current Jetty (MB) Thanks to Colin Sampaleanu. Fixes 24298.
race condition in class enhancement (MB) Fixes 24425.
The Dates tab in the Workbench contains an empty popup link (MB) Fixes 23916.
ApplicationRuntime Exception loses root cause... (MB) Fixes 24008.
NumberValidator forces to input a value (MB) Fixes 22958.
junit.jar needed to build junit subproject (MB) Fixes 21871.
JUnit XML tests broken under JDK with no XML parser (eg. 1.3) (MB) Fixes 20253.
No JVM requirements mentioned in docs (MB) Fixes 24393.
[PATCH]ValidationStrings_zh_TW.properties (MB) Thanks to Zhenbang Wei. Fixes 24874.
PageService.getLink throws ClassCastException if parameters arg is Object[] (EH) Fixes 25117.
NumericField does not pass on its type parameter (RLS) Fixes 25462.
ValidationDelegate throws NPE for some new FieldLabel/ValidField (RLS) Fixes 25585.
properties cannot be of complex array types (MB) Fixes 25642.
fixed broken links in doc\src\common\TapestryLinks.xml (EH) Fixes 25766.
Inherited parameters do not pick up default values (MB) Fixes 26395.
Add download links. (HLS)
Component parameters with direction 'form' should not allow static bindings. (HLS) Fixes 26416.
Fixed NPE in PatternValidator.toString(). (HK) Fixes 26599.
Fix TestMocks to not use JDK 1.4 API. (HLS)
Fixing property initializers to be evaluated every time (unless they are invariant) (MB)
DatePicker positioning problem fixed. (HK) Thanks to Anatol Pomazau.
Automatic rendering of the maxlength and size attributes have been removed. DatePicker now allows informal attributes that will be applied to the field. (HK) Fixes 24336.
Fixed one more place where the encoding needs to be set (MB) Fixes 25611.