Uses of Interface

Packages that use PlasticField
org.apache.tapestry5.internal.plastic [INTERNAL USE ONLY] Plastic implementation details; API subject to change [INTERNAL USE ONLY] internal service classes; API subject to change 
org.apache.tapestry5.internal.transform [INTERNAL USE ONLY] component class transformation implementation classes; API subject to change. 
org.apache.tapestry5.plastic Plastic, Tapestry's component class transformation library based on ASM Support for component class transformation. 

Uses of PlasticField in org.apache.tapestry5.internal.plastic

Methods in org.apache.tapestry5.internal.plastic that return PlasticField
 PlasticField PlasticClassImpl.introduceField(Class fieldType, String suggestedName)
 PlasticField PlasticClassImpl.introduceField(String className, String suggestedName)

Methods in org.apache.tapestry5.internal.plastic that return types with arguments of type PlasticField
 List<PlasticField> PlasticClassImpl.getAllFields()
<T extends Annotation>
PlasticClassImpl.getFieldsWithAnnotation(Class<T> annotationType)
 List<PlasticField> PlasticClassImpl.getUnclaimedFields()

Methods in org.apache.tapestry5.internal.plastic with parameters of type PlasticField
 InstructionBuilder InstructionBuilderImpl.getField(PlasticField field)
 PlasticClass PlasticClassImpl.proxyInterface(Class interfaceType, PlasticField field)

Uses of PlasticField in

Methods in with parameters of type PlasticField
 boolean ServiceInjectionProvider.provideInjection(PlasticField field, ObjectLocator locator, MutableComponentModel componentModel)
 boolean BlockInjectionProvider.provideInjection(PlasticField field, ObjectLocator locator, MutableComponentModel componentModel)
 boolean AssetInjectionProvider.provideInjection(PlasticField field, ObjectLocator locator, MutableComponentModel componentModel)
 boolean DefaultInjectionProvider.provideInjection(PlasticField field, ObjectLocator locator, MutableComponentModel componentModel)
 boolean CommonResourcesInjectionProvider.provideInjection(PlasticField field, ObjectLocator locator, MutableComponentModel componentModel)

Uses of PlasticField in org.apache.tapestry5.internal.transform

Methods in org.apache.tapestry5.internal.transform with parameters of type PlasticField
 boolean InjectNamedProvider.provideInjection(PlasticField field, ObjectLocator locator, MutableComponentModel componentModel)

Method parameters in org.apache.tapestry5.internal.transform with type arguments of type PlasticField
static String TransformMessages.illegalNumberOfPageActivationContextHandlers2(List<PlasticField> fields)

Uses of PlasticField in org.apache.tapestry5.plastic

Methods in org.apache.tapestry5.plastic that return PlasticField
 PlasticField PlasticField.claim(Object tag)
          Claims the field, used to indicate that the field is "processed".
 PlasticField PlasticField.createAccessors(PropertyAccessType accessType)
          Creates access to the field, using the default property name derived from the name of the field.
 PlasticField PlasticField.createAccessors(PropertyAccessType accessType, String propertyName)
          Creates accessors, possibly replacing existing methods (or overriding methods from a super class).
 PlasticField PlasticField.inject(Object value)
          Converts the field to be read-only, and provide the indicated value.
 PlasticField PlasticField.injectComputed(ComputedValue<?> computedValue)
          Converts the field to be read-only, and provide the value, which is computed indirectly inside the class' constructor.
 PlasticField PlasticField.injectFromInstanceContext()
          As with inject(Object), but the value is extracted from the InstanceContext.
 PlasticField PlasticClass.introduceField(Class fieldType, String suggestedName)
          Convenience method that uses a Java class rather than a type name.
 PlasticField PlasticClass.introduceField(String typeName, String suggestedName)
          Introduces a new private field into the class.
<F> PlasticField
PlasticField.setComputedConduit(ComputedValue<FieldConduit<F>> computedConduit)
          Sets the conduit for the field to a value computed when the class is instantiated
<F> PlasticField
PlasticField.setConduit(FieldConduit<F> conduit)
          Intercepts all access to the field, replacing such access with calls on the conduit.

Methods in org.apache.tapestry5.plastic that return types with arguments of type PlasticField
 List<PlasticField> PlasticClass.getAllFields()
          Returns all non-introduced fields, in sorted order by name.
<T extends Annotation>
PlasticClass.getFieldsWithAnnotation(Class<T> annotationType)
          Matches all fields (claimed or not) that have the given annotation.
 List<PlasticField> PlasticClass.getUnclaimedFields()
          Returns all unclaimed fields, in sorted order by name.

Methods in org.apache.tapestry5.plastic with parameters of type PlasticField
 PlasticMethod PlasticMethod.delegateTo(PlasticField field)
          Changes the implementation of the method to delegate to the provided field.
 InstructionBuilder InstructionBuilder.getField(PlasticField field)
          Loads an instance or static field onto the stack.
 PlasticClass PlasticClass.proxyInterface(Class interfaceType, PlasticField field)
          Introduces the interface, and then invokes PlasticMethod.delegateTo(PlasticField) on each method defined by the interface.

Uses of PlasticField in

Methods in with parameters of type PlasticField
 boolean InjectionProvider2.provideInjection(PlasticField field, ObjectLocator locator, MutableComponentModel componentModel)
          Perform the injection, if possible.

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