@Target(value={TYPE,METHOD}) @Retention(value=RUNTIME) @Documented @UseWith(value={COMPONENT,MIXIN,PAGE}) public @interface Import
render phase.
Alternately, the annotation maybe placed on any method (though typically it will be placed on a render phase
method) and the import operations will be associated of that method.
Use of this annotation is translated into invocations against the JavaScriptSupport
environmental; all imports there will implicitly import the core stack.
Assets are localized during the PageLifecycleAdapter.containingPageDidLoad()
method.public abstract String[] stack
public abstract String[] library
public abstract String[] stylesheet
public abstract String[] module
would map to the file
. Alternately a function name can be included, after a colon seperator.
e.g., flash/gordon:setup
Module initializations specified this way may not have an parameters, so they are typically doing single-use
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