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Copyright 2012 The Apache Software Foundation

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


Support for Tapestry's built-in set of translators and validators.

define ["underscore", "./dom", "./events", "./utils", "./messages", "./fields"],
  (_, dom, events, utils, messages) ->

    REGEXP_META = "t5:regular-expression"

    minus = messages "decimal-symbols.minus"
    grouping = messages "decimal-symbols.group"
    decimal = messages "decimal-symbols.decimal"

Formats a string for a localized number into a simple number. This uses localization information provided by t5/core/messages to remove grouping seperators and convert the minus sign and decimal seperator into english norms ("-" and ".") that are compatible with the Number constructor. May throw Error if the input can not be parsed.

A little state machine does the parsing; the input may have a leading minus sign. It then consists primarily of numeric digits. At least one digit must occur between each grouping character. Grouping characters are not allowed after the decimal point.

  • input - input string to be converted
  • isInteger - restrict to integer values (decimal point not allowed)
    parseNumber = (input, isInteger) ->

      canonical = ""

      accept = (ch) -> canonical += ch

      acceptDigitOnly = (ch) ->
        if ch < "0" or ch > "9"
          throw new Error messages "core-input-not-numeric"

        accept ch

      mustBeDigit = (ch) ->
        acceptDigitOnly ch
        return any

      decimalPortion = (ch) ->
        acceptDigitOnly ch
        return decimalPortion

      any = (ch) ->
        switch ch
          when grouping then return mustBeDigit
          when decimal
            if isInteger
              throw new Error messages "core-input-not-integer"

            accept "."
            return decimalPortion
            mustBeDigit ch

      leadingMinus = (ch) ->
        if ch is minus
          accept "-"
          return mustBeDigit
          any ch

      state = leadingMinus

      for ch in utils.trim input
        state = (state ch)

      return Number canonical

    translate = (field, memo, isInteger) ->
        result = parseNumber memo.value, isInteger

        if _.isNaN result
          throw messages "core-input-not-numeric"

        memo.translated = result
      catch e
        memo.error = (field.attr "data-translation-message") or e.message or "ERROR"
        return false

    dom.onDocument events.field.optional, "[data-optionality=required]", (event, memo) ->

      if utils.isBlank memo.value
        memo.error =  (@attr "data-required-message") or "REQUIRED"

    dom.onDocument events.field.translate, "[data-translation=numeric]", (event, memo) ->
      translate this, memo, false

    dom.onDocument events.field.translate, "[data-translation=integer]", (event, memo) ->
      translate this, memo, true

    dom.onDocument events.field.validate, "[data-validate-min-length]", (event, memo) ->
      min = parseInt @attr "data-validate-min-length"

      if memo.translated.length < min
        memo.error = (@attr "data-min-length-message") or "TOO SHORT"
        return false

    dom.onDocument events.field.validate, "[data-validate-max-length]", (event, memo) ->
      max = parseInt @attr "data-validate-max-length"

      if memo.translated.length > max
        memo.error = (@attr "data-max-length-message") or "TOO LONG"
        return false

    dom.onDocument events.field.validate, "[data-validate-max]", (event, memo) ->
      max = parseInt @attr "data-validate-max"

      if memo.translated > max
        memo.error = (@attr "data-max-message") or "TOO LARGE"
        return false

    dom.onDocument events.field.validate, "[data-validate-min]", (event, memo) ->
      min = parseInt @attr "data-validate-min"

      if memo.translated < min
        memo.error = (@attr "data-min-message") or "TOO SMALL"
        return false

    dom.onDocument events.field.validate, "[data-validate-regexp]", (event, memo) ->

Cache the compiled regular expression.

      re = @meta REGEXP_META
      unless re
        re = new RegExp(@attr "data-validate-regexp")
        @meta REGEXP_META, re

      unless re.test memo.translated
        memo.error = (@attr "data-regexp-message") or "INVALID"
        return false

Export the number parser, just to be nice (and to support some testing).

    return { parseNumber }