ExceptionDisplay Component Index FieldLabel

External Link
Creates a <a> hyperlink to an IExternalPage which may be book marked using the hyperlink's URL.

See Also
ActionLink, DirectLink, GenericLink, PageLink, ServiceLink
Name Type Direction Required Default Description
page String in yes   The name of a application page to link to.
parameters Object or
Object[] or
in no   An array of objects to be encoded into the URL. These parameters will be passed to IExternalPage.activateExternalPage() method.
disabled boolean in no false Controls whether the link is produced. If disabled, the portion of the template the link surrounds is still rendered, but not the link itself.
anchor String in no   The name of an anchor or element to link to. The final URL will have '#' and the anchor appended to it.
renderer ILinkRenderer in no   The object which will actually render the link.

Body: rendered
Informal parameters:allowed
Reserved parameters: "href"


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ExceptionDisplay Component Index FieldLabel