RenderBody Component Index Script

The Rollover component provides a rollover image button for use with any kind of link component. A rollover button image changes when the mouse move over it or off of it. A Rollover is disabled if the link that wraps it is disabled (in which case it doesn't respond to the mouse). If this dynamic behavior isn't required use the simpler Image component.

The component provides all the necessary JavaScript to swap the image when the mouse enters and exits the button. However, the Rollover must be wrapped (ultimately) by a Body component.

See Also
Body, GenericLink, Image, PageLink, Script
Name Type Direction Required Default Description
image IAsset in yes   The initial image to show, if the surrounding link component is not disabled.
focus IAsset in no   If provided (and the component is not disabled), then a JavaScript onMouseOver event handler is added to change the image. An onMouseOut event handler is also provided, to change the button to either it's base image, or its blur image.
blur IAsset in no   If provided (and the component is not disabled), then a JavaScript onMouseOut event handler is added to change the image when the mouse is moved off of the image.
disabled IAsset in no   Image used when the Rollover is disabled. A Rollover is disabled when the IServiceLink containing it is disabled. Note the Rollover component is wrapped by a link component such as the PageLink component.

If no disabled asset is specified, then image asset is used instead. A disabled Rollover does not respond to the mouse.

Body: removed
Informal parameters: allowed
Reserved parameters: "name", "src", "border"


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RenderBody Component Index Script