Package org.apache.tapestry.contrib.jdbc

A set of classes that assist with dynamically generating JDBC SQL queries.


Interface Summary
IParameter Represents a parameter within a dynamically generated SQL statement.
IStatement A wrapper around Statement or PreparedStatement which hides the differences between the two.

Class Summary
BooleanParameter Wrapper around a boolean parameter.
DoubleParameter A wrapper around a double parameter.
FloatParameter A wrapper around a float parameter.
IntegerParameter A wrapper around an integer parameter.
LongParameter Wrapper around long parameter.
ObjectParameter An arbitrary object parameter.
ParameterizedStatement A wrapper around PreparedStatement.
ShortParameter A wrapper around a short parameter.
SimpleStatement A wrapper around Statement.
StatementAssembly Class for creating and executing JDBC statements.
StringParameter Used with String parameters.
TimestampParameter Used with Timestamp parameters.

Package org.apache.tapestry.contrib.jdbc Description

A set of classes that assist with dynamically generating JDBC SQL queries. Importantly, they help hide the difference between a Statement and PreparedStatement ... in fact, using a StatementAssembly you don't know in advance which you'll get, which is very handy when generating truly dynamic SQL.

Howard Lewis Ship