Package org.apache.tapestry.enhance

Classes used for performing dynamic bytecode enhancement of component and page classes.


Interface Summary
IEnhancedClass This interface represents a class to be enhanced.
IEnhancedClassFactory An interface defining the factory for creation of new objects representing an enhanced class.
IEnhancer Defines an object which may work with a ComponentClassFactory to create an enhancement to a class.

Class Summary
ComponentClassFactory Contains the logic for analyzing and enhancing a single component class.
DefaultComponentClassEnhancer Default implementation of IComponentClassEnhancer.
EnhancedClassLoader A class loader that can be used to create new classes as needed.
MethodSignature The signature of a Method, including the name, return type, and parameter types.
NoOpEnhancer Does nothing; added to all abstract classes to force them to be subclassed as concrete (even if no other enhancement takes place).

Exception Summary
CodeGenerationException This is an unrecoverable error during code generation.

Package org.apache.tapestry.enhance Description

Classes used for performing dynamic bytecode enhancement of component and page classes.

Howard Lewis Ship