Package org.apache.tapestry.jsp

A simple JSP tag library that allows JSPs to include links to a Tapestry application.


Class Summary
AbstractLinkTag Abstract super-class of Tapestry JSP tags that produce a hyperlink (<a>) tag.
AbstractTapestryTag Contains common code and methods for all the Tapestry JSP tag implementations.
AbstractURLTag Base class for tags which simply insert a URL into the output.
ExternalTag JSP tag that makes use of the Tapestry external service.
ExternalURLTag Like the ExternalTag, but inserts just the URL.
PageTag Creates a link from a JSP page to a Tapestry application page.
PageURLTag Inserts just the URL for a page service request into the output.
URLRetriever Encapsulates the process of calling into the Tapestry servlet to retrieve a URL.

Package org.apache.tapestry.jsp Description

A simple JSP tag library that allows JSPs to include links to a Tapestry application. Currently supports just the page and external services.

Howard Lewis Ship