Package org.apache.tapestry.script

Parser and related classes for dynamically generating JavaScript for inclusion in an HTML response.


Interface Summary
IScriptToken Defines the responsibilities of a template token used by a IScript.

Class Summary
InitRule Constructs an InitToken from an <initialization> element, which contains full content.
ParsedScript A top level container for a number of script tokens.
ScriptParser Parses a Tapestry Script, an XML file defined by one of the following public identifiers: -//Primix Solutions//Tapestry Script 1.0//EN -//Howard Ship//Tapestry Script 1.1//EN -//Howard Lewis Ship//Tapestry Script 1.2//EN .
ScriptRule Rule for <script> element.
ScriptSession The result of executing a script, the session is used during the parsing process as well.
UniqueRule Constructs a UniqueToken from an <unique> element, which contains full content.

Package org.apache.tapestry.script Description

Parser and related classes for dynamically generating JavaScript for inclusion in an HTML response. This is used by a number of tapestry components, including Rollover, as well as Script (used for including arbitrary user-written JavaScript).

Howard Lewis Ship