Package org.apache.tapestry.util

A general set of resuable classes and utilities for creating Internet and XML applications.


Interface Summary
ICleanable An interface implemented by objects that can be cleaned up, which is to say, can release unneeded object references.
IPropertyHolder An interface that defines an object that can store named propertys.
IRenderDescription An object which may render a description of itself, which is used in debugging (i.e., by the Inspector).

Class Summary
AdaptorRegistry An implementation of the Adaptor pattern.
BasePropertyHolder Base class implementation for the IPropertyHolder interface.
ComponentAddress The ComponentAddress class contains the path to a component, allowing it to locate an instance of that component in a different IRequestCycle.
ContentType Represents an HTTP content type.
DefaultResourceResolver Default implementation of IResourceResolver based around Thread.getContextClassLoader() (which is set by the servlet container).
DelegatingPropertySource An implementation of IPropertySource that delegates to a list of other implementations.
IdAllocator Used to "uniquify" names within a given context.
JanitorThread A basic kind of janitor, an object that periodically invokes ICleanable.executeCleanup() on a set of objects.
LocalizedContextResourceFinder Finds localized resources within the web application context.
LocalizedNameGenerator Used in a wide variety of resource searches.
LocalizedPropertySource A PropertySource extending the DelegatingPropertySources and adding the capability of searching for localized versions of the desired property.
LocalizedResource Contains the path to a localized resource and the locale for which it has been localized.
LocalizedResourceFinder Searches for a localization of a particular resource in the classpath (using a IResourceResolver.
MultiKey A complex key that may be used as an alternative to nested Maps.
PropertyHolderPropertySource Implements the IPropertySource interface for instances that implement IPropertyHolder.
RegexpMatcher Streamlines the interface to ORO by implicitly constructing the necessary compilers and matchers, and by caching compiled patterns.
ResourceBundlePropertySource A property source that is based on a ResourceBundle.
ServletPropertySource Implementation of IPropertySource that returns values defined as Servlet initialization parameters (defined as <init-param> in the web.xml deployment descriptor.
StringSplitter Used to split a string into substrings based on a single character delimiter.
SystemPropertiesPropertySource Obtain properties from JVM system properties.

Package org.apache.tapestry.util Description

A general set of resuable classes and utilities for creating Internet and XML applications.

Howard Lewis Ship