Package org.apache.tapestry.valid

Components and classes that provide specialized, validating text fields.


Interface Summary
IFieldTracking Defines the interface for an object that tracks input fields.
IValidationDelegate Interface used to track validation errors in forms and IFormComponents (including AbstractTextFieldand its subclasses).
IValidator An object that works with an IFormComponent to format output (convert object values to strings values) and to process input (convert strings to object values and validate them).
PatternDelegate Implementations of this interface will provide pattern utility services.

Class Summary
BaseValidator Abstract base class for IValidator.
DateValidator Provides input validation for strings treated as dates.
EmailValidator Simple validation of email strings, to enforce required, and minimum length (maximum length is enforced in the client browser, by setting a maximum input length on the text field).
FieldLabel Used to label an IFormComponent.
FieldTracking Default implementation of IFieldTracking.
NumberValidator Simple validation for standard number classes.
NumberValidator.NumberAdaptor This class is not meant for use outside of NumberValidator; it is public only to fascilitate some unit testing.
PatternValidator The validator bean that provides a pattern validation service.
RenderString A wrapper around Stringthat allows the String to be renderred.
StringValidator Simple validation of strings, to enforce required, and minimum length (maximum length is enforced in the client browser, by setting a maximum input length on the text field).
ValidationConstraint Defines an enumeration of different types of validation constraints that may be violated.
ValidationDelegate A base implementation of IValidationDelegatethat can be used as a helper bean.
ValidField A Form component that creates a text field that allows for validation of user input and conversion between string and object values.

Exception Summary
ValidatorException Thrown by a IValidator when submitted input is not valid.

Package org.apache.tapestry.valid Description

Components and classes that provide specialized, validating text fields. The component ValidField does most of the work, and is paired with an implementation of IValidator (often as a helper bean) which provides the rules of translation (between object value and string) and validation.

Fields can all be set as required or not; most IValidator implementations add additional validations, such as fitting the input value between a minimum and maximum value.

Fields can also have a FieldLabel that reflects the state (normal or error) of the field.

Howard Lewis Ship