Uses of Class

Packages that use UsesOrderedConfiguration
org.apache.tapestry5.beanvalidator Support for JSR-303 Bean Validation via the Hibernate validator implementation 
org.apache.tapestry5.hibernate Provides support for simple CRUD applications built on top of Tapestry and Hibernate [INTERNAL USE ONLY] internal service classes; API subject to change Tapestry IOC service interfaces Core services Support for Javascript (and CSS), including dynamically-added JavaScript and services that manage dynamically-added links to JavaScript (and CSS) assets. Services supporting link transformation. Services supporting component and application message catalogs. Interfaces support a simple whitelist-based security model to protect page access. Template services Support for component class transformation. 
org.apache.tapestry5.spring Integration of Tapestry with the Spring Inversion Of Control Container 

Uses of UsesOrderedConfiguration in org.apache.tapestry5.beanvalidator

Classes in org.apache.tapestry5.beanvalidator with annotations of type UsesOrderedConfiguration
 interface BeanValidatorSource
          Creates ValidatorFactory.

Uses of UsesOrderedConfiguration in org.apache.tapestry5.hibernate

Classes in org.apache.tapestry5.hibernate with annotations of type UsesOrderedConfiguration
 interface HibernateSessionSource
          Responsible for creating a Hibernate session as needed.

Uses of UsesOrderedConfiguration in

Classes in with annotations of type UsesOrderedConfiguration
 interface LinkSource
          A source for Link objects.

Uses of UsesOrderedConfiguration in

Classes in with annotations of type UsesOrderedConfiguration
 interface MasterObjectProvider
          A service that acts as a chain-of-command over a number of ObjectProvider, but allows for the case where no object may be provided.
 interface SymbolSource
          Used to manage symbols, configuration properties whose value is evaluated at runtime.

Uses of UsesOrderedConfiguration in

Classes in with annotations of type UsesOrderedConfiguration
 interface ApplicationInitializer
          Service interface for initializing Tapestry for the application.
 interface ComponentEventRequestHandler
          Handler interface for component event requests.
 interface ComponentRequestHandler
          A facade around ComponentEventRequestHandler and PageRenderRequestHandler that allows for simplified filters that cover both types of requests.
 interface DataTypeAnalyzer
          Used by BeanModelSource to identify the type of data associated with a particular property (represented as a PropertyAdapter).
 interface Dispatcher
          A dispatcher is responsible for recognizing an incoming request.
 interface HttpServletRequestHandler
          The first step in handing an incoming request to the servlet filter, this constructed as a pipeline.
 interface MarkupRenderer
          An object which will perform rendering of a page (or portion of a page).
 interface PageRenderRequestHandler
          Handles a invocation related to rendering out a pages complete content.
 interface PartialMarkupRenderer
          Defines an Ajax-oriented partial page render, wherein a render of a portion of a page occurs, and the content is stored into a key ("content") of a JSONObject, which is sent to the client side as the final response.
 interface RequestHandler
          Service interface for the RequestHandler pipeline service.
 interface ServletApplicationInitializer
          Service interface for initializing a servlet application, as a pipeline.
 interface StackTraceElementAnalyzer
          Used by ExceptionDisplay to characterize each stack frame that is presented.
 interface ValidationConstraintGenerator
          Invoked to generate a list of validation constraint strings for a property.

Uses of UsesOrderedConfiguration in

Classes in with annotations of type UsesOrderedConfiguration
 class ExtensibleJavaScriptStack
          An extensible implementation of JavaScriptStack that can be used as the implementation of a service.

Uses of UsesOrderedConfiguration in

Classes in with annotations of type UsesOrderedConfiguration
 interface ComponentEventLinkTransformer
          Allows for selective replacement of the default Link used to represent a component event request.
 interface PageRenderLinkTransformer
          Allows the default Link for a page render request to be replaced.

Uses of UsesOrderedConfiguration in

Classes in with annotations of type UsesOrderedConfiguration
 interface ComponentMessagesSource
          Used to connect a Tapestry component to its message catalog, or to obtain the application catalog (that all component message catalogs extend from).

Uses of UsesOrderedConfiguration in

Classes in with annotations of type UsesOrderedConfiguration
 interface ClientWhitelist
          Analyzes the current request to see if it is on the whitelist (of clients with access to certain key pages).

Uses of UsesOrderedConfiguration in

Classes in with annotations of type UsesOrderedConfiguration
 interface ComponentTemplateLocator
          Deprecated. Deprecated in 5.3, override or decorate ComponentResourceSelector instead.

Uses of UsesOrderedConfiguration in

Classes in with annotations of type UsesOrderedConfiguration
 interface ComponentClassTransformWorker2
          Interface for a set of objects that can perform transformation of component classes.
 interface InjectionProvider2
          Provides some form of injection when the value for an Inject annotation is present.

Uses of UsesOrderedConfiguration in org.apache.tapestry5.spring

Classes in org.apache.tapestry5.spring with annotations of type UsesOrderedConfiguration
 interface ApplicationContextCustomizer
          A bridge from Spring's approach to customizing the application context, over to Tapestry's approach.

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