Interface | Description |
ApplicationGlobals |
Stores global information about the application and its environment.
ApplicationInitializer |
Service interface for initializing Tapestry for the application.
ApplicationInitializerFilter |
Filter interface for
ApplicationInitializer . |
ApplicationStateCreator<T> |
Used by
ApplicationStateManager and ApplicationStatePersistenceStrategy to create
a Session State Object (SSO) on demand. |
ApplicationStateManager |
Responsible for managing Session State Objects (SSO), objects which persist between
requests but are not tied to
any individual page or component.
ApplicationStatePersistenceStrategy |
Used by
ApplicationStateManager to manage a specific kind of Session State Object (SSO)
persistence. |
ApplicationStatePersistenceStrategySource |
Used to provide access to
ApplicationStatePersistenceStrategySource instances
via a logical name for the strategy, such as "session". |
AssetFactory |
Used by
AssetSource to create new Asset s as needed. |
AssetPathConverter |
Converts the path (or URI) of an asset into a new format.
AssetSource |
Used to find or create an
Asset with a given path. |
BaseURLSource |
Used when switching between normal/insecure (HTTP) and secure (HTTPS) mode.
BeanBlockOverrideSource |
Used to override the default
BeanBlockSource for a particular data type. |
BeanBlockSource |
A source of
Block s used to display the properties of a bean (used by the Grid component), or to edit the properties of a bean (used by the BeanEditForm component). |
BeanEditContext |
Defines a context for editing a bean via
BeanEditor . |
BeanModelSource |
Used by a component to create a default
BeanModel for a particular bean
class. |
BindingFactory |
Creates a binding of a particular type.
BindingSource |
Used to acquire bindings for component parameters.
ClasspathAssetAliasManager | Deprecated
Deprecated in 5.4, with no replacement.
ClasspathAssetProtectionRule |
Chain-of-responsibility service which defines rules for blocking access to classpath resources
based on their paths.
ClientBehaviorSupport | Deprecated
Deprecated in 5.4 with no replacement.
ClientDataEncoder |
A service used when a component or service needs to encode some amount of data on the client as a string.
ClientDataSink |
Allows binary object data to be encoded into a string.
ComponentClassResolver |
Resolves page names and component types to fully qualified class names.
ComponentDefaultProvider |
A service that can be injected into a component to provide common defaults for various types of parameters.
ComponentEventHandler |
Interface used with
TransformationSupport.addEventHandler(String, int, String, ComponentEventHandler) }. |
ComponentEventLinkEncoder |
Responsible for creating
Link s for page render requests and for component event
requests, and for parsing incoming paths to identify requests that are component event or page render requests. |
ComponentEventRequestFilter |
Filter interface for
ComponentEventRequestHandler . |
ComponentEventRequestHandler |
Handler interface for component event requests.
ComponentEventResultProcessor<T> |
Responsible for handling the return value provided by a component event handler method.
ComponentLibraryInfo.SourceUrlResolver |
Interface that provides the source URL for a given
ComponentLibraryInfo . |
ComponentLibraryInfoSource |
Service that provides information about component libraries.
ComponentOverride |
Service that allows replacing one component, page or mixin class by another without changing the sources.
ComponentRequestFilter |
Filter interface for
ComponentRequestHandler . |
ComponentRequestHandler |
A facade around
ComponentEventRequestHandler and PageRenderRequestHandler that allows for simplified filters that cover both types of
requests. |
ComponentSource |
Used by classes that need to retrieve a component by its complete id, or a page by its logical page name or root
component class.
Context |
An API agnostic version of
ServletContext , used to bridge the gaps between the Servlet API and
the Portlet API. |
ContextPathEncoder |
A service to provide utilities needed for event context encoding and decoding to and from (partial) URL paths.
ContextValueEncoder |
Used to convert values used in event contexts to client string representations and back.
Cookies |
Used by other services to obtain cookie values for the current request, or to write cookie values as part of the
DataTypeAnalyzer |
Used by
BeanModelSource to identify the type of data associated with a particular property (represented as a
PropertyAdapter ). |
DateUtilities |
Formatting utilities for dates; this is primarily used when communicating server-side dates to the clients in ISO-8601 format.
Dispatcher |
A dispatcher is responsible for recognizing an incoming request.
Environment |
Provides access to environment objects, which are almost always provided to enclosed components by enclosing
EnvironmentalShadowBuilder |
Much like
PropertyShadowBuilder , except that instead of accessing a property of some other service, it
accesses a value from within the Environment service. |
ExceptionReporter |
Interface implemented by a page used for reporting exceptions.
ExceptionReportWriter |
Used by the default
ExceptionReporter implementation to convert an exception into
a stream of text that can be stored to a file. |
FieldTranslatorSource |
For a particular field, generates the default
FieldTranslator for the field. |
FieldValidatorDefaultSource |
For a particular field, generates the default validation for the field, in accordance with a number of factors and
FieldValidatorSource |
Used to create
FieldValidator s for a particular Field
component. |
FormSupport |
Services provided by an enclosing Form control component to the various form element components it encloses.
GenericsResolver |
Methods related to the use of Java 5+ generics.
Heartbeat |
Allows for deferred execution of logic, useful when trying to get multiple components to coordinate behavior.
HiddenFieldLocationRules |
Provides some assistance in determining where to place a hidden field based on standard (X)HTML elements.
Html5Support |
Service related to Tapestry's support of HTML5 features.
HttpServletRequestFilter |
Filter interface for
HttpServletRequestHandler . |
HttpServletRequestHandler |
The first step in handing an incoming request to the servlet filter,
this constructed as a pipeline.
InvalidationEventHub |
An object which manages a list of
InvalidationListener s. |
InvalidationListener | Deprecated
In 5.4; use
InvalidationEventHub.addInvalidationCallback(Runnable) instead |
LinkCreationHub |
A service that allows listeners to be registered to learn about
Link creation. |
LinkCreationListener | Deprecated
LinkCreationListener2 instead |
LinkCreationListener2 | |
LocalizationSetter |
Sets the thread's locale given a desired locale.
MarkupRenderer |
An object which will perform rendering of a page (or portion of a page).
MarkupRendererFilter |
Filter interface for
MarkupRenderer , which allows for code to execute before
and/or after the main rendering process. |
MarkupWriterFactory |
Source for
MarkupWriter instances. |
MetaDataLocator |
Used to lookup meta data concerning a particular component.
MethodInvocationResult |
Captures the result of invoking a method.
NullFieldStrategySource |
A source for
NullFieldStrategy instances based on a logical name. |
ObjectRenderer<T> |
A strategy interface used for converting an object into markup that describes that object.
PageDocumentGenerator |
Interface used to programatically render a page, forming a
Document which can then
be manipulated or streamed to a
PrintWriter. |
PageRenderLinkSource |
A service that allows other services to create page render links.
PageRenderRequestFilter |
Filter interface for
PageRenderRequestHandler , which allows extra behaviors to be injected into the
processing of a page render request. |
PageRenderRequestHandler |
Handles a invocation related to rendering out a pages complete content.
PartialMarkupRenderer |
Defines an Ajax-oriented partial page render, wherein a render of a portion of a page occurs, and the content is
stored into a key ("content") of a
JSONObject , which is sent to the client side as
the final response. |
PartialMarkupRendererFilter |
A filter (the main interface being
PartialMarkupRenderer ) applied when performing a partial page render as
part of an Ajax-oriented request. |
PartialTemplateRenderer |
Service that provides methods that render
Block s (<t:block> in the template),
component instances and RenderCommand s to a String or
org.apache.tapestry5.dom.Document in a programatic way. |
PathConstructor |
Central location for logic related to building client-side paths, taking into account
the context path (if any), and the
(if any). |
PersistentFieldBundle |
Encapsulates persisted property information for an entire page.
PersistentFieldChange |
Represents a previously stored change to a persistent field, within the context of a particular page of the
PersistentFieldStrategy |
Defines how changes to fields (within components, within pages) may have their values persisted between requests.
PersistentLocale |
Manages the persistent locale stored in the browser (inside the URL).
PropertyConduitSource |
A source for
PropertyConduit s, which can be thought of as a compiled property path
expression. |
PropertyEditContext |
Defines a context for editing a property of a bean via
BeanEditor . |
PropertyOutputContext |
Provides context information needed when displaying a value.
Request |
Generic version of
HttpServletRequest , used to encapsulate the Servlet API version, and to
help bridge the differences between Servlet API and Porlet API. |
RequestExceptionHandler |
Service invoked when an uncaught exception occurs.
RequestFilter |
Filter interface for
RequestHandler . |
RequestGlobals |
Service used to store the current request objects, both the Servlet API versions, and the
Tapestry generic versions.
RequestHandler |
Service interface for the RequestHandler pipeline
ResourceDigestGenerator | Deprecated
Deprecated in 5.4 with no replacement; see release notes about classpath assets moving
to /META-INF/assets/, and content checksums inside asset URLs
Response |
API agnostic wrapper for generating a response.
ResponseCompressionAnalyzer |
Used to determine if the client supports GZip compression of the response.
ResponseRenderer |
Public facade around internal services related to rendering a markup response.
SelectModelFactory |
Used to create an
SelectModel . |
ServletApplicationInitializer |
Service interface for initializing a servlet application, as a pipeline.
ServletApplicationInitializerFilter |
Filter interface for
ServletApplicationInitializer . |
Session |
Generic version of
HttpSession , used to bridge the gaps between the Servlet API and the Portlet API. |
SessionPersistedObjectAnalyzer<T> |
Analyzes a session-persisted object, specifically to see if it is dirty or not.
StackTraceElementAnalyzer |
Used by
ExceptionDisplay to characterize each stack frame that is
presented. |
TranslatorAlternatesSource |
This service is used by
TranslatorSource to specify Translator alternates: translators that
are used when specified explicitly by name. |
TranslatorSource |
A source for
Translator s, either by name or by property type. |
UpdateListener |
Interface for objects which can periodically check for updates.
UpdateListenerHub |
Manages a set of
UpdateListener s. |
URLEncoder |
Service used to encode or decode strings that are placed into URLs.
ValidationConstraintGenerator |
Invoked to generate a list of validation constraint strings for a property.
ValidationDecoratorFactory | Deprecated
Deprecated in 5.4 with no replacement, as
ValidationDecorator is being phased out. |
ValueEncoderFactory<V> |
A source for
ValueEncoder instances of a given type. |
ValueEncoderSource |
A source for value encoders based on a property type.
ValueLabelProvider<V> |
An object capable of providing a user-presentable label from a value.
Class | Description |
ApplicationStateContribution |
A contribution to the configuration of the
ApplicationStateManager , identifying the strategy and creator for
a particular Session State Object (SSO), identified by the SSO's class. |
AssetAlias | Deprecated
Deprecated in 5.4 (see notes in
ClasspathAssetAliasManager ). |
BeanBlockContribution |
A contribution to the
BeanBlockSource service, defining a page name and block id (within the page) that can
edit or display a particular type of property. |
ComponentEventRequestParameters |
Encapsulates all the information that may be provided in a component event request URL.
ComponentLibraryInfo |
Class that encapsulates information about a component library, going beyond what a library mapping
ComponentLibraryInfo.DefaultSourceUrlResolver |
ComponentLibraryInfo.SourceUrlResolver implementation. |
DefaultObjectRenderer |
Default object renderer as a catch all for class
Object . |
DelegatingRequest |
Class that wraps an Request, delegating all its methods.
DisplayBlockContribution |
Contribution to
BeanBlockSource identifying a block that is used to display a property. |
EditBlockContribution |
Contribution to
BeanBlockSource identifying a block that is used to edit a property. |
GenericsResolver.Provider |
Convenience class for getting a
GenericsResolver instance. |
HttpError |
An event handler method may return an instance of this class to send an error response to the client.
InitializeActivePageName |
Filter contributed into the
ComponentRequestHandler pipeline to set the
activePageName property . |
LibraryMapping |
Used to configure the
ComponentClassResolver , to allow it to map library names to library root packages (the
application namespace is a special case of this). |
PageRenderRequestParameters |
Used with
PageRenderRequestHandler and
PageRenderRequestFilter to define the logical page name and
activation context for the request. |
StackTraceElementClassConstants |
CSS classes, from the default CSS stylesheet, used with
StackTraceElementAnalyzer . |
StreamPageContent |
An event handler method may return an instance of this class to trigger the rendering
of a particular page without causing a redirect to that page; the rendering takes place as part
of the original component event request, thus forming the opposite of Tapestry's normal
redirect-after-event behavior.
TransformConstants |
Constants used by implementations
ComponentClassTransformWorker2 . |
TransformUtils |
Support code for generating code (used when transforming component classes).
Enum | Description |
RelativeElementPosition |
Used by
HiddenFieldLocationRules to identify where a hidden field may be placed
relative to a particular element. |
Annotation Type | Description |
Ajax |
Marker annotation for services related to processing an Ajax request (rather than a traditional request).
AssetRequestDispatcher |
Marker annotation used to specifically identify the
Dispatcher used to dispatch
asset requests (so that AssetRequestHandler s can be contributed). |
ClasspathProvider |
A marker annotation used to select the correct
AssetFactory for injection. |
ComponentClasses |
Marker annotation used to inject the correct
InvalidationEventHub service
responsible for invalidations when underlying component class files are changed. |
ComponentLayer |
Marker annotation used to identify a service from the component layer that conflicts, in terms of service interface,
with a service from elsewhere.
ComponentMessages |
Marker annotation used to inject the correct
InvalidationEventHub service
responsible for validations when component message catalog (i.e., ".properties") files change. |
ComponentTemplates |
Marker annotation used to inject the correct
InvalidationEventHub service
responsible for validations when component template files change. |
ContextProvider |
Marker annotation to select the correct
AssetFactory for injection. |
Core |
Marker annotation for services that are provided by the Tapestry core module.
Traditional |
Marker annotation for a service that should be used for traditional page oriented requests, as opposed to Ajax
requests (that send ad-hoc or partial page markup responses.
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