@Marker(value=Builtin.class) public final class TapestryIOCModule extends Object
Constructor and Description |
TapestryIOCModule() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static void |
bind(ServiceBinder binder) |
static ServiceLifecycleSource |
build(Map<String,ServiceLifecycle> configuration)
Provides access to additional service lifecycles.
static ParallelExecutor |
buildDeferredExecution(int coreSize,
int maxSize,
int keepAliveMillis,
boolean threadPoolEnabled,
int queueSize,
PerthreadManager perthreadManager,
RegistryShutdownHub shutdownHub,
ThunkCreator thunkCreator) |
static void |
contributeRegistryStartup(OrderedConfiguration<Runnable> configuration,
PeriodicExecutor periodicExecutor) |
static void |
provideBasicTypeCoercions(Configuration<CoercionTuple> configuration)
Contributes a set of standard type coercions to the
TypeCoercer service:
Object to String
Object to Boolean
String to Double
String to BigDecimal
BigDecimal to Double
Double to BigDecimal
String to BigInteger
BigInteger to Long
String to Long
Long to Byte
Long to Short
Long to Integer
Double to Long
Double to Float
Float to Double
Long to Double
String to Boolean ("false" is always false, other non-blank strings are true)
Number to Boolean (true if number value is non zero)
Null to Boolean (always false)
Collection to Boolean (false if empty)
Object[] to List
primitive[] to List
Object to List (by wrapping as a singleton list)
String to File
String to TimeInterval
TimeInterval to Long
Object to Object[] (wrapping the object as an array)
Collection to Object[] (via the toArray() method)
Flow to List
Flow to Boolean (false if empty)
static void |
provideJSR10TypeCoercions(Configuration<CoercionTuple> configuration)
Contributes coercions to and from Java Time API (JSR 310) classes.
static void |
providePerthreadScope(MappedConfiguration<String,ServiceLifecycle> configuration)
Contributes the "perthread" scope.
static void |
setupDefaultSymbols(MappedConfiguration<String,Object> configuration) |
static void |
setupObjectProviders(OrderedConfiguration<ObjectProvider> configuration,
ServiceOverride serviceOverride)
Empty placeholder used to separate annotation-based ObjectProvider contributions (which come before) from
non-annotation based (such as ServiceOverride) which come after.
Supports the
Value annotation
Supports the Symbol annotations
Supports the Autobuild annotation
Allows simple service overrides via the ServiceOverride service
(and its configuration)
static void |
setupStandardSymbolProviders(OrderedConfiguration<SymbolProvider> configuration,
SymbolProvider applicationDefaults,
SymbolProvider factoryDefaults)
Exposes JVM System properties as symbols (currently case-sensitive)
Exposes environment variables as symbols (adding a "env." prefix)
Values contributed to @
SymbolProvider @ApplicationDefaults
Values contributed to @SymbolProvider @FactoryDefaults
public TapestryIOCModule()
public static void bind(ServiceBinder binder)
@PreventServiceDecoration public static ServiceLifecycleSource build(Map<String,ServiceLifecycle> configuration)
@Contribute(value=ServiceLifecycleSource.class) public static void providePerthreadScope(MappedConfiguration<String,ServiceLifecycle> configuration)
@Contribute(value=MasterObjectProvider.class) public static void setupObjectProviders(OrderedConfiguration<ObjectProvider> configuration, @Local ServiceOverride serviceOverride)
(and its configuration)
@Contribute(value=TypeCoercer.class) public static void provideBasicTypeCoercions(Configuration<CoercionTuple> configuration)
to LongFlow
to ListFlow
to Boolean (false if empty)@Contribute(value=TypeCoercer.class) public static void provideJSR10TypeCoercions(Configuration<CoercionTuple> configuration)
@Contribute(value=SymbolSource.class) public static void setupStandardSymbolProviders(OrderedConfiguration<SymbolProvider> configuration, @ApplicationDefaults SymbolProvider applicationDefaults, @FactoryDefaults SymbolProvider factoryDefaults)
public static ParallelExecutor buildDeferredExecution(@Symbol(value="tapestry.thread-pool.core-pool-size") int coreSize, @Symbol(value="tapestry.thread-pool.max-pool-size") int maxSize, @Symbol(value="tapestry.thread-pool.keep-alive") @IntermediateType(value=TimeInterval.class) int keepAliveMillis, @Symbol(value="tapestry.thread-pool-enabled") boolean threadPoolEnabled, @Symbol(value="tapestry.thread-pool.queue-size") int queueSize, PerthreadManager perthreadManager, RegistryShutdownHub shutdownHub, ThunkCreator thunkCreator)
@Contribute(value=SymbolProvider.class) @FactoryDefaults public static void setupDefaultSymbols(MappedConfiguration<String,Object> configuration)
public static void contributeRegistryStartup(OrderedConfiguration<Runnable> configuration, PeriodicExecutor periodicExecutor)
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