Package | Description |
org.apache.tapestry5.internal.event |
[INTERNAL USE ONLY] support classes for event listeners; API subject to change
org.apache.tapestry5.internal.pageload |
[INTERNAL USE ONLY] support classes for assembling and loading pages; API subject to change
| |
[INTERNAL USE ONLY] internal service classes; API subject to change
| |
[INTERNAL USE ONLY] asset support services; API subject to change
| | |
org.apache.tapestry5.internal.util |
[INTERNAL USE ONLY] various utility classes; API subject to change.
org.apache.tapestry5.modules | | |
Services supporting component and application message catalogs.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Base implementation class for classes (especially services) that need to manage a list of
InvalidationListener s. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
PageLoaderImpl.setupInvalidation(InvalidationEventHub classesHub,
InvalidationEventHub templatesHub,
InvalidationEventHub messagesHub) |
Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
interface |
Split-out implementation of
InvalidationEventHub that separates it from ComponentInstantiatorSource . |
interface |
MessagesSource |
interface |
Deprecated in 5.4 with no replacement; see release notes about classpath assets moving to /META-INF/assets/.
To be removed in 5.5.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Service implementation that manages a cache of parsed component templates.
class |
InternalComponentInvalidationEventHubImpl |
class |
A utility class that encapsulates all the logic for reading properties files and assembling
Messages from
them, in accordance with extension rules and locale. |
class |
ResourceDigestManagerImpl |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
InvalidationEventHub |
Event hub used to notify listeners that underlying component template files have changed.
InvalidationEventHub |
ComponentTemplateSourceImpl.getInvalidationEventHub() |
InvalidationEventHub |
ComponentMessagesSourceImpl.getInvalidationEventHub() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
PropertyConduitSourceImpl.listenForInvalidations(InvalidationEventHub hub) |
void |
StringInternerImpl.setupInvalidation(InvalidationEventHub hub) |
void |
MetaDataLocatorImpl.setupInvalidation(InvalidationEventHub invalidationEventHub) |
void |
ValueEncoderSourceImpl.setupInvalidation(InvalidationEventHub hub) |
void |
ComponentClassCacheImpl.setupInvalidation(InvalidationEventHub hub) |
void |
PageActivationContextCollectorImpl.setupInvalidation(InvalidationEventHub invalidationEventHub) |
void |
PageSourceImpl.setupInvalidation(InvalidationEventHub classesHub,
InvalidationEventHub templatesHub,
InvalidationEventHub messagesHub,
ResourceChangeTracker resourceChangeTracker) |
Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
interface |
Tracks resources (at least, resources that can change because they are on the file system) and
acts as an
UpdateListener to check for changes and notify its listeners. |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
ResourceChangeTrackerImpl |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
DeprecationWarningImpl.setupClearDeprecationsWhenInvalidated(InvalidationEventHub componentClassesHub,
InvalidationEventHub messagesHub,
InvalidationEventHub templatesHub) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
RecomputableSupport.initialize(InvalidationEventHub hub)
RecomputableSupport.invalidate() to be invoked when the hub emits an invalidation callback. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static InvalidationEventHub |
TapestryModule.buildComponentClassesInvalidationEventHub(InternalComponentInvalidationEventHub trueHub)
Exposes the public portion of the internal
InternalComponentInvalidationEventHub service. |
static InvalidationEventHub |
TapestryModule.buildComponentMessagesInvalidationEventHub(ComponentMessagesSource messagesSource) |
static InvalidationEventHub |
TapestryModule.buildComponentTemplatesInvalidationEventHub(ComponentTemplateSource templateSource) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ComponentEventResultProcessor |
TapestryModule.buildAjaxComponentEventResultProcessor(Map<Class,ComponentEventResultProcessor> configuration,
InvalidationEventHub hub)
The component event result processor used for Ajax-oriented component
static ComponentClassResolver |
TapestryModule.buildComponentClassResolver(ComponentClassResolverImpl service,
InvalidationEventHub hub) |
ComponentEventResultProcessor |
TapestryModule.buildComponentEventResultProcessor(Map<Class,ComponentEventResultProcessor> configuration,
InvalidationEventHub hub)
The component event result processor used for normal component requests.
static DataTypeAnalyzer |
TapestryModule.buildDefaultDataTypeAnalyzer(DefaultDataTypeAnalyzer service,
InvalidationEventHub hub)
The default data type analyzer is the final analyzer consulted and
identifies the type entirely pased on the
property type, working against its own configuration (mapping property
type class to data type).
static TranslatorSource |
TapestryModule.buildTranslatorSource(Map<Class,Translator> configuration,
TranslatorAlternatesSource alternatesSource,
InvalidationEventHub hub) |
void |
TapestryModule.contributeApplicationInitializer(OrderedConfiguration<ApplicationInitializerFilter> configuration,
TypeCoercer typeCoercer,
ComponentClassResolver componentClassResolver,
InvalidationEventHub invalidationEventHub,
RestoreDirtySessionObjects restoreDirtySessionObjects)
Adds a listener to the
ComponentInstantiatorSource that clears the
PropertyAccess and TypeCoercer caches on
a class loader invalidation. |
static void |
TapestryModule.registerToClearPlasticProxyFactoryOnInvalidation(InvalidationEventHub hub,
PlasticProxyFactory proxyFactory) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
InvalidationEventHub |
Returns the event hub that allows listeners to be notified when any underlying message catalog file is changed.
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