Interface Link

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface Link
    A link is the Tapestry representation of a URL or URI that triggers dynamic behavior. This link is in three parts: a path portion, an optional anchor, and a set of query parameters. A request for a link will ultimately be recognized by a Dispatcher. Query parameter values are kept separate from the path portion to support encoding those values into hidden form fields (where appropriate).
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      Link addParameter​(java.lang.String parameterName, java.lang.String value)
      Adds a parameter value.
      Link addParameterValue​(java.lang.String parameterName, java.lang.Object value)
      Adds a parameter value as a value object; the value object is converted to a string via ContextPathEncoder.encodeValue(Object) from tapestry-core and the result is added via addParameter(String, String).
      Link copyWithBasePath​(java.lang.String basePath)
      Creates a copy of this link that has the same parameters, anchor, and other attributes, but a different base path.
      java.lang.String getAnchor()
      Returns the link anchor.
      java.lang.String getBasePath()
      Returns the completely unadorned base path.
      java.util.List<java.lang.String> getParameterNames()
      Returns the names of any additional query parameters for the URI.
      java.lang.String getParameterValue​(java.lang.String name)
      Returns the value of a specifically named query parameter, or null if no such query parameter is stored in the link.
      java.lang.String[] getParameterValues​(java.lang.String parameterName)
      Returns the parameter values for the given name.
      LinkSecurity getSecurity()
      Returns the current security for this link, which reflects whether the targeted page is itself secure or insecure.
      Link removeParameter​(java.lang.String parameterName)
      Removes a parameter value, which is occasionally useful when transforming a parameter into a portion of the path.
      Link setAnchor​(java.lang.String anchor)
      Sets the link anchor.
      void setSecurity​(LinkSecurity newSecurity)
      Changes the link's security, which can be useful to force a link to be either secure or insecure when normally it might not be.
      java.lang.String toAbsoluteURI()
      Returns the absolute URL, which includes the scheme, hostname and possibly port (as per BaseURLSource.getBaseURL(boolean)).
      java.lang.String toAbsoluteURI​(boolean secure)
      Returns either the secure or insecure URL, with complete scheme, hostname and possibly port (as per BaseURLSource.getBaseURL(boolean)).
      java.lang.String toRedirectURI()
      Returns the link as a redirect URI.
      java.lang.String toURI()
      Returns the URI portion of the link.
    • Method Detail

      • getParameterNames

        java.util.List<java.lang.String> getParameterNames()
        Returns the names of any additional query parameters for the URI. Query parameters store less regular or less often used values that can not be expressed in the path. They also are used to store, or link to, persistent state.
        list of query parameter names, is alphabetical order
      • getParameterValue

        java.lang.String getParameterValue​(java.lang.String name)
        Returns the value of a specifically named query parameter, or null if no such query parameter is stored in the link. Use this method only when you are sure the parameter has only one value. If the parameter might have more than one value, use getParameterValues(java.lang.String). If you use this method with a multivalued parameter, the value returned is equal to the first value in the array returned by getParameterValues.
        a string representing the single value of the named parameter
      • addParameter

                            details="changed from void to Link")
        Link addParameter​(java.lang.String parameterName,
                          java.lang.String value)
        Adds a parameter value. The value will be added, as is, to the URL. In many cases, the value should be URL encoded via URLCodec.
        parameterName - the name of the parameter to store
        value - the value to store, a null or blank value is allowed (as of Tapestry 5.3)
        this Link, to support method chaining
      • removeParameter

                            details="changed from void to Link")
        Link removeParameter​(java.lang.String parameterName)
        Removes a parameter value, which is occasionally useful when transforming a parameter into a portion of the path.
        this Link, to support method chaining
      • getBasePath

        java.lang.String getBasePath()
        Returns the completely unadorned base path. Other methods (such as toURI()), may append an anchor or query parameters.
      • copyWithBasePath

        Link copyWithBasePath​(java.lang.String basePath)
        Creates a copy of this link that has the same parameters, anchor, and other attributes, but a different base path.
        a new Link instance
      • toURI

        java.lang.String toURI()
        Returns the URI portion of the link. When the link is created for a form, this will not include query parameters. This is the same value returned from toString().
        the URI, ready to be added as an element attribute
      • toRedirectURI

        java.lang.String toRedirectURI()
        Returns the link as a redirect URI. The URI includes any query parameters.
      • getAnchor

        java.lang.String getAnchor()
        Returns the link anchor. If this link does not have an anchor, this method returns null.
        the link anchor
      • setAnchor

                            details="changed from void to Link")
        Link setAnchor​(java.lang.String anchor)
        Sets the link anchor. Null and empty anchors will be ignored when building the link URI.
        anchor - the link anchor
        this Link, to support method chaining
      • toAbsoluteURI

        java.lang.String toAbsoluteURI()
        Returns the absolute URL, which includes the scheme, hostname and possibly port (as per BaseURLSource.getBaseURL(boolean)). By default, the scheme is chosen to match the security of the current request. Note: the semantics of this method changed between Tapestry 5.1 and 5.2. Most code should use toString() or toURI() (which are equivalent) instead.
        the complete, qualified URL, including query parameters.
      • toAbsoluteURI

        java.lang.String toAbsoluteURI​(boolean secure)
        Returns either the secure or insecure URL, with complete scheme, hostname and possibly port (as per BaseURLSource.getBaseURL(boolean)).
        the complete, qualified URL, including query parameters.
      • getSecurity

                            details="LinkSecurity class moved from internal package to org.apache.tapestry5.")
        LinkSecurity getSecurity()
        Returns the current security for this link, which reflects whether the targeted page is itself secure or insecure.
      • getParameterValues

        java.lang.String[] getParameterValues​(java.lang.String parameterName)
        Returns the parameter values for the given name. Returns null if no such parameter is stored in the link.