Class StackAssetRequestHandler

    • Method Detail

      • handleAssetRequest

        public boolean handleAssetRequest​(Request request,
                                          Response response,
                                          java.lang.String extraPath)
        Description copied from interface: AssetRequestHandler
        Given a request targeted (via the handler id) to the specific handler, process the request. The handler is responsible for processing the request, sending back either a bytestream (via Response.getOutputStream(String)) or an error response (via Response.sendError(int, String)). It is the handler's responsibility to allow for client-side caching (possibly sending an HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_MODIFIED response). The handler should return true if it provided a response. If the handler returns false, this indicates that the extra path did not identify a known asset (virtual or otherwise) and the AssetDispatcher service should send a HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND response. Starting in Tapestry 5.4, the handler is informed by the AssetRequestDispatcher whether or not the content should be compressed (this is determined based on information in the URL).
        Specified by:
        handleAssetRequest in interface AssetRequestHandler
        request - incoming asset request
        response - used to send a response to client
        extraPath - additional path to identify the specific asset
        true if request was handled (and response sent), false if asset not found