Interface OpenApiTypeDescriber

    • Method Detail

      • describe

        void describe​(JSONObject description,
                      java.lang.reflect.Parameter parameter)
        Describes a REST event handler method parameter.
        description - JSONObject containing the description of an event handler parameter.
        parameter - the event handler method parameter.
      • describeReturnType

        void describeReturnType​(JSONObject description,
                                java.lang.reflect.Method method)
        Describes a REST event handler method return type.
        description - JSONObject containing the description of a path response.
        method - the event handler method itself.
      • describeSchema

        void describeSchema​(java.lang.Class<?> entity,
                            JSONObject schemas)
        Describes the schema of a mapped entity class
        entity - an entity class.
        schemas - JSONObject where the entity description should be added.
        See Also: