Package org.apache.tapestry.asset

Implementations of IAsset, as well as the AssetExternalizer, used to handle private assets.


Interface Summary
ResourceChecksumSource Calculates the checksum value, as a string, for a particular classpath resource.

Class Summary
AbstractAsset Base class for IAsset implementations.
AssetExternalizer Responsible for copying assets from the classpath to an external directory that is visible to the web server.
AssetService A service for building URLs to and accessing IAssets.
ContextAsset An asset whose path is relative to the ServletContext containing the application.
ExternalAsset A reference to an external URL.
PrivateAsset An implementation of IAsset for localizable assets within the JVM's classpath.
ResourceChecksumSourceImpl Implementation of org.apache.tapestry.asset.ResourceDigestSource that calculates an checksum using a message digest and configured encoder.

Package org.apache.tapestry.asset Description

Implementations of IAsset, as well as the AssetExternalizer, used to handle private assets.

Howard Lewis Ship