Package org.apache.tapestry.spec

Classes to represent application and component specifications.


Interface Summary
IApplicationSpecification Defines and interface for the configuration for a Tapestry application.
IAssetSpecification Defines an internal, external or private asset.
IBeanSpecification A specification of a helper bean for a component.
IBindingSpecification Stores a binding specification, which identifies the static value or OGNL expression for the binding.
IComponentSpecification A specification for a component, as read from an XML specification file.
IContainedComponent Defines a contained component.
IExtensionSpecification Defines an "extension", which is much like a helper bean, but is part of a library or application specification (and has the same lifecycle as the application).
ILibrarySpecification Interface for the Specification for a library.
IListenerBindingSpecification Special interface of IBindingSpecification used to encapsulate additional information the additional information specific to listener bindings.
IParameterSpecification Defines a formal parameter to a component.
IPropertySpecification Defines a transient or persistant property of a component or page.

Class Summary
ApplicationSpecification Defines the configuration for a Tapestry application.
AssetSpecification Defines an internal, external or private asset.
AssetType Defines the types of assets.
BaseLocatable Base class for classes which implement ILocationHolder.
BeanLifecycle An Enum of the different possible lifecycles for a JavaBean.
BeanSpecification A specification of a helper bean for a component.
BindingSpecification Stores a binding specification, which identifies the static value or OGNL expression for the binding.
BindingType Defines the different types of bindings possible for a component.
ComponentSpecification A specification for a component, as read from an XML specification file.
ContainedComponent Defines a contained component.
Direction Represents different types of parameters.
ExtensionSpecification Defines an "extension", which is much like a helper bean, but is part of a library or application specification (and has the same lifecycle as the application).
LibrarySpecification Specification for a library.
ListenerBindingSpecification Special subclass of BindingSpecification used to encapsulate the additional information specific to listener bindings.
LocatablePropertyHolder Base class for implementing both interfaces IPropertyHolder and ILocationHolder.
ParameterSpecification Defines a formal parameter to a component.
PropertySpecification Defines a transient or persistant property of a component or page.
SpecFactory A Factory used by SpecificationParser to create Tapestry domain objects.

Package org.apache.tapestry.spec Description

Classes to represent application and component specifications.

Howard Lewis Ship