Package org.apache.tapestry.util.pool

Classes for managing a pool of reusable objects.


Interface Summary
IPoolable Marks an object as being aware that is to be stored into a Pool.
IPoolableAdaptor Defines methods that define an adaptor to provide IPoolable type behavior to arbitrary objects.

Class Summary
DefaultPoolableAdaptor Implementation for objects that implement the IPoolable interface.
NullPoolableAdaptor A default, empty implementation, for objects that have no special behavior related to being pooled.
Pool A Pool is used to pool instances of a useful class.
StringBufferAdaptor Adaptor for StringBuffer, that clears the buffer as it is returned to the pool.

Package org.apache.tapestry.util.pool Description

Classes for managing a pool of reusable objects. Rather than creating expensive objects as needed, they are obtained from a Pool. Instead of discarding them, they are returned to the Pool. The Pool class is threadsafe and reasonably efficient.

Howard Lewis Ship