Interface IRender

All Known Subinterfaces:
IAction, IComponent, IDirect, IExternalPage, IForm, IFormComponent, ILinkComponent, IPage, ITableModelSource, ITableRendererListener, ITreeModelSource
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractComponent, AbstractFormComponent, AbstractLinkComponent, AbstractPage, AbstractPostfield, AbstractTableRowComponent, AbstractTableViewComponent, AbstractTextField, ActionLink, Any, BaseComponent, BasePage, Block, BlockRenderer, Body, Button, Card, Checkbox, Choose, Conditional, DateField, DatePicker, Deck, Delegator, DirectLink, Do, Exception, ExceptionDisplay, ExternalLink, FieldLabel, Foreach, Form, FormConditional, FormTable, Frame, GenericLink, Go, Hidden, Image, Image, ImageSubmit, InheritInformalAny, Input, Insert, InsertText, Inspector, InspectorButton, LinkSubmit, ListEdit, MaskEdit, MultiplePropertySelection, NumericField, OnEvent, Option, Option, PageLink, Palette, PaletteColumn, PaletteOption, PopupLink, Postfield, PropertySelection, PropertySelection, Radio, RadioGroup, RenderBlock, RenderBody, RenderString, RequestContext, Rollover, Script, Select, Select, SelectionField, Selector, ServiceLink, Setvar, Shell, ShowEngine, ShowProperties, ShowSpecification, ShowTemplate, SimpleTableColumnComponent, SimpleTableColumnFormComponent, StaleLink, Submit, Table, TableColumns, TableFormPages, TableFormRows, TablePages, TableRows, TableValues, TableView, TextArea, TextField, TextToken, Timer, Tree, TreeDataView, TreeNodeView, TreeTable, TreeTableDataView, TreeTableNodeViewDelegator, TreeView, Upload, ValidatingTextField, ValidField, ViewTabs, When, WMLException, WMLStaleLink

public interface IRender

An element that may be asked to render itself to an IMarkupWriter using a IRequestCycle.

This primarily includes IComponent and IPage, but also extends to other things, such as objects responsible for rendering static markup text.

$Id: 243791 2004-02-19 17:38:13Z hlship $
Howard Lewis Ship

Method Summary
 void render(IMarkupWriter writer, IRequestCycle cycle)
          The principal rendering/rewinding method.

Method Detail


void render(IMarkupWriter writer,
            IRequestCycle cycle)
The principal rendering/rewinding method. This will cause the receiving component to render its top level elements (HTML text and components).

Renderring and rewinding are the exact same process. The same code that renders must be able to restore state by going through the exact same operations (even though the output is discarded).