Package org.apache.tapestry

Tapestry is a comprehensive web application framework, written in Java.


Interface Summary
IAction A particular type of component usuable with the action service.
IActionListener Defines a listener to an IAction component, which is way to get behavior when the component's URL is triggered (or the form containing the component is submitted).
IAsset Representation of a asset (GIF, JPEG, etc.) that may be owned by a IComponent.
IBeanProvider An object that provides a component with access to helper beans.
IBinding A binding is the mechanism used to provide values for parameters of specific IComponent instances.
IComponent Defines an object which may be used to provide dynamic content on a Tapestry web page.
IDirect Interface that defines classes that may be messaged by the direct service.
IEngine Defines the core, session-persistant object used to run a Tapestry application for a single client (each client will have its own instance of the engine).
IExternalPage Defines a page which may be referenced externally via a URL using the ExternalService.
IForm A generic way to access a component which defines an HTML form.
ILocatable Interface for classes that may be linked to a specific location.
ILocation TODO Add Type comment
ILocationHolder Interface for objects that are read from resource files, used to backtrace live objects to the resources they came from.
IMarkupWriter Defines an object that can write markup (XML, HTML, XHTML) style output.
IMessages A set of localized message strings.
INamespace Organizes different libraries of Tapestry pages, components and services into "frameworks", used to disambiguate names.
IPage A root level component responsible for generating an entire a page within the application.
IRender An element that may be asked to render itself to an IMarkupWriter using a IRequestCycle.
IRequestCycle Controller object that manages a single request cycle.
IResourceLocation Describes the location of a resource, such as a specification or template.
IResourceResolver An object which is used to resolve classes and class-path resources.
IScript An object that can convert a set of symbols into a collection of JavaScript statements.
IScriptProcessor Defines methods needed by a IScript to execute.

Class Summary
AbstractComponent Abstract base class implementing the IComponent interface.
AbstractMarkupWriter Abstract base class implementing the IMarkupWriter interface.
AbstractPage Abstract base class implementing the IPage interface.
ApplicationServlet Links a servlet container with a Tapestry application.
BaseComponent Base implementation for most components that use an HTML template.
BaseComponentTemplateLoader Utility class instantiated by BaseComponent to process the component's template, which involves working through the nested structure of the template and hooking the various static template blocks and components together using IComponent.addBody(IRender) and BaseComponent.addOuter(IRender).
Location Implementation of the ILocation interface.
RedirectFilter Filter used to redirect a root context URL (i.e., "/context" or "/context/" to the Tapestry application servlet (typically, "/context/app").
Tapestry A placeholder for a number of (static) methods that don't belong elsewhere, as well as a global location for static constants.

Exception Summary
ApplicationRuntimeException General wrapper for any exception (normal or runtime) that may occur during runtime processing for the application.
BindingException A general exception describing an IBinding and an IComponent.
PageRedirectException Exception thrown by a component or IEngineService that wishes to force the application to a particular page.
RedirectException Exception thrown to force a redirection to an arbitrary location.
RenderRewoundException A special subclass of ApplicationRuntimeException that can be thrown when a component has determined that the state of the page has been rewound.
StaleLinkException Exception thrown by an IEngineService when it discovers that the an action link was for an out-of-date version of the page.
StaleSessionException Exception thrown by an IEngineService when it discovers that the HttpSession has timed out (and been replaced by a new, empty one).

Package org.apache.tapestry Description

Tapestry is a comprehensive web application framework, written in Java.

Tapestry is not an application server. It is designed to be used inside an application server.

Tapestry is not an application. Tapestry is a framework for creating web applications.

Tapestry is not a way of using JavaServer Pages. Tapestry is an alternative to using JavaServer Pages.

Tapestry is not a scripting environment. Tapestry uses a component object model, not simple scripting, to create highly dynamic, interactive web pages.

Tapestry is based on the Java Servlet API version 2.2.

Tapestry uses a sophisticated component model to divide a web application into a hierarchy of components. Each component has specific responsibilities for rendering web pages (that is, generating a portion of an HTML page) and responding to HTML queries (such as clicking on a link, or submitting a form).

The Tapestry framework takes on virtually all of the responsibilities for managing application flow and server-side client state. This allows developers to concentrate on the business and presentation aspects of the application.

Visit Tapestry's home page at for more details on licensing.

Howard Ship