Package org.apache.tapestry.form

Components for implementing basic HTML Forms.


Interface Summary
IFormComponent A common interface implemented by all form components (components that create interactive elements in the rendered page).
IPropertySelectionModel Used by a PropertySelection to provide labels for options.
IPropertySelectionRenderer Defines an object that works with a PropertySelection component to render the individual elements obtained from the model.

Class Summary
AbstractFormComponent A base class for building components that correspond to HTML form elements.
AbstractTextField Base class for implementing various types of text input fields.
Button Implements a component that manages an HTML <input type=button> form element.
Checkbox Implements a component that manages an HTML <input type=checkbox> form element.
DatePicker Provides a Form java.util.Date field component for selecting dates.
EnumPropertySelectionModel Implementation of IPropertySelectionModel that wraps around a set of Enums.
Form Component which contains form element components.
FormEventType Lists different types of JavaScript events that can be associated with a Form via Form.addEventHandler(FormEventType, String).
Hidden Implements a hidden field within a Form.
ImageSubmit Used to create an image button inside a Form.
LinkSubmit Implements a component that submits its enclosing form via a JavaScript link.
ListEdit A specialized component used to edit a list of items within a form; it is similar to a Foreach but leverages hidden inputs within the <form> to store the items in the list.
ListEditMap A utility class often used with the ListEditcomponent.
Option A component that renders an HTML <option> form element.
PropertySelection A component used to render a drop-down list of options that the user may select.
Radio Implements a component that manages an HTML <input type=radio> form element.
RadioGroup A special type of form component that is used to contain Radio components.
RadioPropertySelectionRenderer Implementation of IPropertySelectionRenderer that produces a table of radio (<input type=radio>) elements.
Select Implements a component that manages an HTML <select> form element.
SelectPropertySelectionRenderer Implementation of IPropertySelectionRenderer that produces a <select> element (containing <option> elements).
StringPropertySelectionModel Implementation of IPropertySelectionModel that allows one String from an array of Strings to be selected as the property.
Submit Implements a component that manages an HTML <input type=submit> form element.
TextArea Implements a component that manages an HTML <textarea> form element.
TextField Implements a component that manages an HTML <input type=text> or <input type=password> form element.
Upload Form element used to upload files.

Package org.apache.tapestry.form Description

Components for implementing basic HTML Forms. Most components are straight forward 1:1 mappings between Tapestry components and a corresponding HTML element. PropertySelection is more complicated, as it manages way more of the process of implementing a <select> and its <option>s.

Package org.apache.tapestry.valid contains more complex components that not only collect input, but validate it as well.

Howard Lewis Ship