Uses of Class

Packages that use Tuple
org.apache.tapestry5.func Light-weight functional programming for Flows of values 

Uses of Tuple in org.apache.tapestry5.func

Methods in org.apache.tapestry5.func that return Tuple
<X,Y> Tuple<X,Y>
Tuple.create(X first, Y second)
 Tuple<A,B> LazyZipValue.get()
 Tuple<Flow<A>,Flow<B>> ZippedFlow.unzip()
          A ZippedFlow is a Flow of Tuples; this inverts that, splitting each Tuple into a Flow of elements, then assembling the result as a Tuple of two values.

Methods in org.apache.tapestry5.func that return types with arguments of type Tuple
<A extends Comparable<A>,B>
          Creates a Comparator for the Tuples of a ZippedFlow that sorts the Tuple elements based on the first value in the Tuple.
<A,B extends Comparable<B>>
          Creates a Comparator for the Tuples of a ZippedFlow that sorts the Tuple elements based on the first value in the Tuple.

Method parameters in org.apache.tapestry5.func with type arguments of type Tuple
<X,Y> ZippedFlow<X,Y>
ZippedFlow.mapTuples(Mapper<Tuple<A,B>,Tuple<X,Y>> mapper)
          Mapping for zipped flows; a mapper is used to map tuples of this zipped flow into new tuples with a new type, forming the resulting zipped flow.
<X,Y> ZippedFlow<X,Y>
ZippedFlow.mapTuples(Mapper<Tuple<A,B>,Tuple<X,Y>> mapper)
          Mapping for zipped flows; a mapper is used to map tuples of this zipped flow into new tuples with a new type, forming the resulting zipped flow.

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