Class ClientPersistentFieldStrategy

  extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
LinkCreationListener2, PersistentFieldStrategy

public class ClientPersistentFieldStrategy
extends Object
implements PersistentFieldStrategy, LinkCreationListener2

Implements simple client-persistent properties. Most of the logic is delegated to an instance of ClientPersistentFieldStorage. This division of layer allows this service to be a true singleton, and a listener to the LinkSource, and allow per-request state to be isolated inside the other service.

Constructor Summary
ClientPersistentFieldStrategy(ClientPersistentFieldStorage storage)
Method Summary
 void createdComponentEventLink(Link link, ComponentEventRequestParameters parameters)
          Invoked when an action link (a link that asks a component to perform an action) is created.
 void createdPageRenderLink(Link link, PageRenderRequestParameters parameters)
          Invoked when a page link (a link that renders a page) is created.
 void discardChanges(String pageName)
          Discards any saved changes for the name page.
 Collection<PersistentFieldChange> gatherFieldChanges(String pageName)
          Finds all persistent changes previously stored for the named page (for the current active session or client).
 void postChange(String pageName, String componentId, String fieldName, Object newValue)
          Posts a change of a persistent property.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ClientPersistentFieldStrategy(ClientPersistentFieldStorage storage)
Method Detail


public Collection<PersistentFieldChange> gatherFieldChanges(String pageName)
Description copied from interface: PersistentFieldStrategy
Finds all persistent changes previously stored for the named page (for the current active session or client).

Specified by:
gatherFieldChanges in interface PersistentFieldStrategy


public void postChange(String pageName,
                       String componentId,
                       String fieldName,
                       Object newValue)
Description copied from interface: PersistentFieldStrategy
Posts a change of a persistent property.

Specified by:
postChange in interface PersistentFieldStrategy
pageName - the name of the page containing the component
componentId - the nested id path of the component (or null for the page's root component)
fieldName - the name of the field whose persistent value has changed
newValue - the new value for the field, possibly null


public void createdComponentEventLink(Link link,
                                      ComponentEventRequestParameters parameters)
Description copied from interface: LinkCreationListener2
Invoked when an action link (a link that asks a component to perform an action) is created. The listener may decide to encode additional query parameters into the link (via Link.addParameter(String, String)).

Specified by:
createdComponentEventLink in interface LinkCreationListener2
link - the newly created link
parameters - information encoded into the link


public void createdPageRenderLink(Link link,
                                  PageRenderRequestParameters parameters)
Description copied from interface: LinkCreationListener2
Invoked when a page link (a link that renders a page) is created. The listener may decide to encode additional query parameters into the link (via Link.addParameter(String, String)).

Specified by:
createdPageRenderLink in interface LinkCreationListener2
link - the newly created link
parameters - information encoded into the link


public void discardChanges(String pageName)
Description copied from interface: PersistentFieldStrategy
Discards any saved changes for the name page. There is no expectation that data already gathered from the strategy and persumably dumped into component instance fields will be affected, but future field access (within this request or a later one) will show no data for the indicated page.

Specified by:
discardChanges in interface PersistentFieldStrategy
pageName - logical name of page whose field persistent data should be discarded

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