Class ComponentEventLinkEncoderImpl

  extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ComponentEventLinkEncoderImpl
extends Object
implements ComponentEventLinkEncoder

Constructor Summary
ComponentEventLinkEncoderImpl(ComponentClassResolver componentClassResolver, ContextPathEncoder contextPathEncoder, LocalizationSetter localizationSetter, Request request, Response response, RequestSecurityManager requestSecurityManager, BaseURLSource baseURLSource, PersistentLocale persistentLocale, boolean encodeLocaleIntoPath, String applicationFolder, MetaDataLocator metaDataLocator, ClientWhitelist clientWhitelist)
Method Summary
 void appendContext(boolean seperatorRequired, EventContext context, StringBuilder builder)
 Link createComponentEventLink(ComponentEventRequestParameters parameters, boolean forForm)
          Creates a link that encapsulates a component event request, including PersistentLocale (if set).
 Link createPageRenderLink(PageRenderRequestParameters parameters)
          Creates a Link that encapsulates a page render request, including activation context and PersistentLocale (if set).
 ComponentEventRequestParameters decodeComponentEventRequest(Request request)
          Checks the request, primarily the path, to determine the if the request is a component event request.
 PageRenderRequestParameters decodePageRenderRequest(Request request)
          Checks the request, primarily the path, to determine the if the request is a page render request.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ComponentEventLinkEncoderImpl(ComponentClassResolver componentClassResolver,
                                     ContextPathEncoder contextPathEncoder,
                                     LocalizationSetter localizationSetter,
                                     Request request,
                                     Response response,
                                     RequestSecurityManager requestSecurityManager,
                                     BaseURLSource baseURLSource,
                                     PersistentLocale persistentLocale,
                                     boolean encodeLocaleIntoPath,
                                     String applicationFolder,
                                     MetaDataLocator metaDataLocator,
                                     ClientWhitelist clientWhitelist)
Method Detail


public Link createPageRenderLink(PageRenderRequestParameters parameters)
Description copied from interface: ComponentEventLinkEncoder
Creates a Link that encapsulates a page render request, including activation context and PersistentLocale (if set). Passes the resulting Link through the PageRenderLinkTransformer chain of command, returning the result.

Specified by:
createPageRenderLink in interface ComponentEventLinkEncoder
parameters - defining page to render and context
link for the page render


public Link createComponentEventLink(ComponentEventRequestParameters parameters,
                                     boolean forForm)
Description copied from interface: ComponentEventLinkEncoder
Creates a link that encapsulates a component event request, including PersistentLocale (if set).


The persistent locale may be placed in between the context name and the page name, i.e., "/context/fr/SomePage".

In many cases the context name is blank, so the path begins with a "/" and then the locale name or page name.

The page name portion may itself consist of a series of folder names, i.e., "admin/user/create". The context portion isn't the concern of this code, since Request.getPath() will already have stripped that off. We can act as if the context is always "/" (the path always starts with a slash).

Passes the resulting Link through the ComponentEventLinkTransformer chain of command, returning the result.

Specified by:
createComponentEventLink in interface ComponentEventLinkEncoder
parameters - defining page, component, activation context and other details
forForm - true if the event link will trigger a form submission
link for the component event


public ComponentEventRequestParameters decodeComponentEventRequest(Request request)
Description copied from interface: ComponentEventLinkEncoder
Checks the request, primarily the path, to determine the if the request is a component event request. As a side-effect (necessary for historical reasons), responsible for setting the locale for the thread, including the PersistentLocale ... but only if the locale is a component event.

Specified by:
decodeComponentEventRequest in interface ComponentEventLinkEncoder
request - incoming request
component event request details, if a component event request


public PageRenderRequestParameters decodePageRenderRequest(Request request)
Description copied from interface: ComponentEventLinkEncoder
Checks the request, primarily the path, to determine the if the request is a page render request. As a side-effect (necessary for historical reasons), responsible for setting the locale for the thread, including the PersistentLocale ... but only if the request is a page render.

Specified by:
decodePageRenderRequest in interface ComponentEventLinkEncoder
request - incoming request
page render request details, if a page render request


public void appendContext(boolean seperatorRequired,
                          EventContext context,
                          StringBuilder builder)

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