Class ContextPathEncoderImpl

  extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ContextPathEncoderImpl
extends Object
implements ContextPathEncoder

Constructor Summary
ContextPathEncoderImpl(ContextValueEncoder valueEncoder, URLEncoder urlEncoder, TypeCoercer typeCoercer)
Method Summary
 EventContext decodePath(String path)
          Inverse of ContextPathEncoder.encodeIntoPath(Object[]); the path is split into strings, and the string are decoded and constructed into an EventContext.
 String encodeIntoPath(EventContext context)
          Encodes the context into a string.
 String encodeIntoPath(Object[] context)
          Encodes the context values into a path string.
 String encodeValue(Object value)
          Encodes a single value via the ContextValueEncoder service, returning the resulting string.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ContextPathEncoderImpl(ContextValueEncoder valueEncoder,
                              URLEncoder urlEncoder,
                              TypeCoercer typeCoercer)
Method Detail


public String encodeValue(Object value)
Description copied from interface: ContextPathEncoder
Encodes a single value via the ContextValueEncoder service, returning the resulting string. Even null is encoded, as per URLEncoder.encode(String).

Specified by:
encodeValue in interface ContextPathEncoder


public String encodeIntoPath(Object[] context)
Description copied from interface: ContextPathEncoder
Encodes the context values into a path string. Each context value (if non-null) is first value encoded into a string via the ContextValueEncoder service. Those values are then encoded, via URLEncoder.encode(String) into URL-safe strings. The URL-safe strings are then concatenated together, separated with "/" characters.

Specified by:
encodeIntoPath in interface ContextPathEncoder
context - an array of objects to encode as the context (may be null)
the path-encoded context, or the blank string if the context is empty


public String encodeIntoPath(EventContext context)
Description copied from interface: ContextPathEncoder
Encodes the context into a string. Returns the empty string if the context is empty.

Specified by:
encodeIntoPath in interface ContextPathEncoder
context - to encode
encoded values separated by "/" characters, or the empty string


public EventContext decodePath(String path)
Description copied from interface: ContextPathEncoder
Inverse of ContextPathEncoder.encodeIntoPath(Object[]); the path is split into strings, and the string are decoded and constructed into an EventContext.

Specified by:
decodePath in interface ContextPathEncoder
path - to decode, possibly empty or null
corresponding event context

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