Exports a single function, that invokes t5/core/dom:ajaxRequest()
with the provided url
and a modified version of the
- options.method - “post”, “get”, etc., default: “post”.
- options.element - if provided, the URL will be treated as a server-side event name
and the actual URL to be used will be obtained from dom.getEventUrl(url, element)
- options.contentType - request content, defaults to “application/x-www-form-urlencoded”
- options.data - optional, additional key/value pairs (for the default content type)
- options.success - handler to invoke on success. Passed the ResponseWrapper object.
Default does nothing.
- options.failure - handler to invoke on failure (server responds with a non-2xx code).
Passed the response. Default will throw the exception
- options.exception - handler to invoke when an exception occurs (often means the server is unavailable).
Passed the exception. Default will generate an exception message and throw an
Note: not really supported under jQuery, a hold-over from Prototype.
- options.complete - handler to invoke after success, falure, or exception. The handler is passed no
It wraps (or provides) success
, exception
, and failure
handlers, extended to handle a partial page render
response (for success), or properly log a server-side failure or client-side exception, including using the
module to display a server-side processing exception.
define ["./pageinit", "./dom", "./exception-frame", "./console", "underscore"],
(pageinit, dom, exceptionframe, console, _) ->
(url, options) ->
complete = ->
if options.complete
if options.hasOwnProperty 'element'
url = dom.getEventUrl(url, options.element)
newOptions = _.extend {}, options,