define ["./dom", "./events", "./ajax", "./console", "./forms", "underscore"],
(dom, events, ajax, console, forms, _) ->
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
Provides a default handler for events related to zones. A zone is any kind of client-side element that can be updated; a zone will normally have a unique id. Typically, a client-side zone element is rendered by, and corresponds to, a server-side core/Zone component; however, certain other components (such as core/ProgressiveDisplay) may also be treated as zones.
Most often, a zone is any element with attribute data-container-type=zone
and corresponds
to a core/Zone server-side component.
define ["./dom", "./events", "./ajax", "./console", "./forms", "underscore"],
(dom, events, ajax, console, forms, _) ->
For a given element that may have the data-update-zone
attribute, locates the
zone element. May return null if the zone can not be found (after logging an error
to the console).
findZone = (element) ->
zoneId = element.attr "data-update-zone"
if zoneId is "^"
zone = element.findParent "[data-container-type=zone]"
if zone is null
throw new Error "Unable to locate containing zone for #{element}."
return zone
zone = dom zoneId
if zone is null
throw new Error "Unable to locate zone '#{zoneId}'."
return zone
dom.onDocument "click", "a[data-update-zone]", (event) ->
element = @closest "[data-update-zone]"
unless element
throw new Error "Could not locate containing element with data-update-zone attribute."
zone = findZone element
if zone
zone.trigger, url: element.attr "href"
dom.onDocument "submit", "form[data-update-zone]", ->
zone = findZone this
if zone
formParameters = forms.gatherParameters this
url: (@attr "action")
parameters: formParameters
return false
dom.onDocument "submit", "form[data-async-trigger]", ->
formParameters = forms.gatherParameters this
@addClass "ajax-update"
ajax (@attr "action"),
data: formParameters
complete: => @removeClass "ajax-update"
return false
dom.onDocument, (event) ->
content = event.memo.content
The server may have passed down the empty string for the content; that removes the existing content. On the other hand, the server may have not provided a content key; in that case, content is undefined which means to leave the existing content alone.
Note that currently, the willUpdate and didUpdate events are triggered even when the zone is not actually updated. That may be a bug.
unless content is undefined
@update content
@trigger events.initializeComponents
dom.onDocument, (event) ->
This event may be triggered on an element inside the zone, rather than on the zone itself. Scan upwards to find the actual zone.
zone = @closest "[data-container-type=zone]"
A Zone inside a form will render some additional parameters to coordinate updates with the Form on the server.
attr = zone.attr "data-zone-parameters"
parameters = attr and JSON.parse attr
simpleIdParams = if zone.attr "data-simple-ids" then {"t:suppress-namespaced-ids": true}
ajax event.memo.url,
data: _.extend { "t:zoneid": }, simpleIdParams, parameters, event.memo.parameters
success: (response) ->
zone.trigger, content: response.json?.content
dom.onDocument "click", "a[data-async-trigger]", (event)->
link = @closest 'a[data-async-trigger]'
link.addClass "ajax-update"
ajax (link.attr "href"),
complete: -> link.removeClass "ajax-update"
Locates a zone element by its unique id attribute, and (deferred, to a later event loop cycle), performs a standard refresh of the zone. This is primarily used by the core/ProgressiveDisplay component.
deferredZoneUpdate = (id, url) ->
_.defer ->
zone = dom id
if zone is null
console.error "Could not locate element '#{id}' to update."
zone.trigger, { url }
Most of this module is document-level event handlers, but there’s also some exports:
return { deferredZoneUpdate, findZone }