Class AbstractSessionPersistentFieldStrategy

  extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
EntityPersistentFieldStrategy, EntityPersistentFieldStrategy, FlashPersistentFieldStrategy, SessionPersistentFieldStrategy

public abstract class AbstractSessionPersistentFieldStrategy
extends Object
implements PersistentFieldStrategy

Base class for strategies that store their values as keys in the session. Implements a uniform format for the keys, based on a prefix to identify the particular strategy.

Constructor Summary
protected AbstractSessionPersistentFieldStrategy(String prefix, Request request)
Method Summary
protected  Object convertApplicationValueToPersisted(Object newValue)
          Hook that allows a value to be converted as it is written to the session.
protected  Object convertPersistedToApplicationValue(Object persistedValue)
          Converts a persisted value stored in the session back into an application value.
protected  void didReadChange(Session session, String attributeName)
          Called after each key is read by gatherFieldChanges(String).
 void discardChanges(String pageName)
          Discards any saved changes for the name page.
 Collection<PersistentFieldChange> gatherFieldChanges(String pageName)
          Finds all persistent changes previously stored for the named page (for the current active session or client).
 void postChange(String pageName, String componentId, String fieldName, Object newValue)
          Posts a change of a persistent property.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


protected AbstractSessionPersistentFieldStrategy(String prefix,
                                                 Request request)
Method Detail


public final Collection<PersistentFieldChange> gatherFieldChanges(String pageName)
Description copied from interface: PersistentFieldStrategy
Finds all persistent changes previously stored for the named page (for the current active session or client).

Specified by:
gatherFieldChanges in interface PersistentFieldStrategy


public void discardChanges(String pageName)
Description copied from interface: PersistentFieldStrategy
Discards any saved changes for the name page. There is no expectation that data already gathered from the strategy and persumably dumped into component instance fields will be affected, but future field access (within this request or a later one) will show no data for the indicated page.

Specified by:
discardChanges in interface PersistentFieldStrategy
pageName - logical name of page whose field persistent data should be discarded


protected void didReadChange(Session session,
                             String attributeName)
Called after each key is read by gatherFieldChanges(String). This implementation does nothing, subclasses may override.

session - the session from which a value was just read
attributeName - the name of the attribute used to read a value


public final void postChange(String pageName,
                             String componentId,
                             String fieldName,
                             Object newValue)
Description copied from interface: PersistentFieldStrategy
Posts a change of a persistent property.

Specified by:
postChange in interface PersistentFieldStrategy
pageName - the name of the page containing the component
componentId - the nested id path of the component (or null for the page's root component)
fieldName - the name of the field whose persistent value has changed
newValue - the new value for the field, possibly null


protected Object convertApplicationValueToPersisted(Object newValue)
Hook that allows a value to be converted as it is written to the session. Passed the new value provided by the application, returns the object to be stored in the session. This implementation simply returns the provided value.

newValue - non-null value
persisted value
See Also:


protected Object convertPersistedToApplicationValue(Object persistedValue)
Converts a persisted value stored in the session back into an application value. This implementation returns the persisted value as is.

persistedValue - non-null persisted value
application value
See Also:

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