Interface InternalRegistry

All Superinterfaces:
ObjectLocator, OperationTracker, Registry, RegistryShutdownHub
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface InternalRegistry
extends Registry, RegistryShutdownHub, OperationTracker

Internal view of the module registry, adding additional methods needed by modules.

Method Summary
 String expandSymbols(String input)
          Given an input string that may contain symbols, returns the string with any and all symbols fully expanded.
 List<ServiceAdvisor> findAdvisorsForService(ServiceDef3 serviceDef)
          Searches for advisors for a particular service, returning them in order of application.
 List<ServiceDecorator> findDecoratorsForService(ServiceDef3 serviceDef)
          Searches for decorators for a particular service.
<K,V> Map<K,V>
getMappedConfiguration(ServiceDef3 serviceDef, Class<K> keyType, Class<V> valueType)
          Builds up a map of key/value pairs by invoking service contribution methods that target the service (from any module, unless the service is private).
 Set<Class> getMarkerAnnotations()
          Returns a Set of Annotation classes that are used as service markers.
<T> T
getObject(Class<T> objectType, AnnotationProvider annotationProvider, ObjectLocator locator, Module localModule)
          As with ObjectLocator.getObject(Class, org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.AnnotationProvider), but handles the Local annotation.
<T> List<T>
getOrderedConfiguration(ServiceDef3 serviceDef, Class<T> valueType)
          Builds up an ordered collection by invoking service contributor methods that target the service (from any module, unless the service is private).
 ServiceLifecycle2 getServiceLifecycle(String scope)
          Returns a service lifecycle by service scope name.
 org.slf4j.Logger getServiceLogger(String serviceId)
          Returns a logger for the service, which consists of the Module's log name suffixed with a period and the service id.
<T> Collection<T>
getUnorderedConfiguration(ServiceDef3 serviceDef, Class<T> valueType)
          Builds up an unordered collection by invoking service contributor methods that target the service (from any module, unless the service is private).
 ClassFab newClass(Class serviceInterface)
          Convieience for creating a new ClassFab instance using a ClassFactory.
<T> T
proxy(Class<T> interfaceClass, Class<? extends T> implementationClass, ObjectLocator locator)
          Creates a just-in-time (and possibly, live reloading) proxy for the indicated class and interface, using the provided locator to autobuild the implementationClass (when necessary).
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.Registry
cleanupThread, performRegistryStartup, shutdown
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.ObjectLocator
autobuild, autobuild, getObject, getService, getService, getService, proxy
Methods inherited from interface
addRegistryShutdownListener, addRegistryShutdownListener, addRegistryWillShutdownListener
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.OperationTracker
invoke, run

Method Detail


<T> T getObject(Class<T> objectType,
                AnnotationProvider annotationProvider,
                ObjectLocator locator,
                Module localModule)
As with ObjectLocator.getObject(Class, org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.AnnotationProvider), but handles the Local annotation.

objectType - type of object o be injected
annotationProvider - access to annotations at point of injection
locator - used to resolve any subsequent injections
localModule - module to limit services to, if Local annotaton present
the service or object


ServiceLifecycle2 getServiceLifecycle(String scope)
Returns a service lifecycle by service scope name.

scope - the name of the service scope (case insensitive)
the lifecycle corresponding to the scope
RuntimeException - if the lifecycle name does not match a known lifecycle


List<ServiceDecorator> findDecoratorsForService(ServiceDef3 serviceDef)
Searches for decorators for a particular service. The resulting DecoratorDef s are ordered, then converted into ServiceDecorators.


List<ServiceAdvisor> findAdvisorsForService(ServiceDef3 serviceDef)
Searches for advisors for a particular service, returning them in order of application.



<T> Collection<T> getUnorderedConfiguration(ServiceDef3 serviceDef,
                                            Class<T> valueType)
Builds up an unordered collection by invoking service contributor methods that target the service (from any module, unless the service is private).

Type Parameters:
T -
serviceDef - defines the service for which configuration data is being assembled
valueType - identifies the type of object allowed into the collection
the final collection


<T> List<T> getOrderedConfiguration(ServiceDef3 serviceDef,
                                    Class<T> valueType)
Builds up an ordered collection by invoking service contributor methods that target the service (from any module, unless the service is private). Once all values have been added (each with an id, and pre/post constraints), the values are ordered, null values dropped, and the final sorted list is returned.

Type Parameters:
T -
serviceDef - defines the service for which configuration data is being assembled
valueType - identifies the type of object allowed into the collection
the final ordered list


<K,V> Map<K,V> getMappedConfiguration(ServiceDef3 serviceDef,
                                      Class<K> keyType,
                                      Class<V> valueType)
Builds up a map of key/value pairs by invoking service contribution methods that target the service (from any module, unless the service is private). Values and keys may not be null. Invalid values (keys or values that are the wrong type, or duplicate keys) result in warnings and are ignored.

Type Parameters:
K -
V -
serviceDef - defines the service for which configuration data is being assembled
keyType - identifies the type of key object allowed into the map
valueType - identifies the type of value object allowed into the map
the final ordered list


ClassFab newClass(Class serviceInterface)
Convieience for creating a new ClassFab instance using a ClassFactory.

serviceInterface - the interface to be implemented by the provided class


String expandSymbols(String input)
Given an input string that may contain symbols, returns the string with any and all symbols fully expanded.

input -
expanded input


org.slf4j.Logger getServiceLogger(String serviceId)
Returns a logger for the service, which consists of the Module's log name suffixed with a period and the service id.

serviceId -
the logger for the service


<T> T proxy(Class<T> interfaceClass,
            Class<? extends T> implementationClass,
            ObjectLocator locator)
Creates a just-in-time (and possibly, live reloading) proxy for the indicated class and interface, using the provided locator to autobuild the implementationClass (when necessary).



Set<Class> getMarkerAnnotations()
Returns a Set of Annotation classes that are used as service markers.


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