Uses of Interface

Packages that use ServiceBindingOptions
org.apache.tapestry5.ioc A code-centric, high-performance, simple Inversion of Control container 
org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.internal [INTERNAL USE ONLY] Tapestry IOC implementation details; API subject to change. 

Uses of ServiceBindingOptions in org.apache.tapestry5.ioc

Methods in org.apache.tapestry5.ioc that return ServiceBindingOptions
<T> ServiceBindingOptions
ServiceBinder.bind(Class<T> implementationClass)
          Defines a service in terms of an implementation class, without a service interface.
<T> ServiceBindingOptions
ServiceBinder.bind(Class<T> serviceInterface, Class<? extends T> serviceImplementation)
          Binds the service interface to a service implementation class.
<T> ServiceBindingOptions
ServiceBinder.bind(Class<T> serviceInterface, ServiceBuilder<T> builder)
          Alternative implementation that supports a callback to build the service, rather than instantiating a particular class.
 ServiceBindingOptions ServiceBindingOptions.eagerLoad()
          Turns eager loading on for this service.
 ServiceBindingOptions ServiceBindingOptions.preventDecoration()
          Disallows service decoration for this service.
 ServiceBindingOptions ServiceBindingOptions.preventReloading()
          Identifies a service for which live class reloading is not desired.
 ServiceBindingOptions ServiceBindingOptions.scope(String scope)
          Sets the scope of the service, overriding the Scope annotation on the service implementation class.
 ServiceBindingOptions ServiceBindingOptions.withId(String id)
          Allows a specific service id for the service to be provided, rather than the default (from the service interface).
<T extends Annotation>
ServiceBindingOptions.withMarker(Class<T>... marker)
          Defines the marker interface(s) for the service, used to connect injections by type at the point of injection with a particular service implementation, based on the intersection of type and marker interface.
 ServiceBindingOptions ServiceBindingOptions.withSimpleId()
          Uses the the simple (unqualified) class name of the implementation class as the id of the service.

Uses of ServiceBindingOptions in org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.internal

Classes in org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.internal that implement ServiceBindingOptions
 class ServiceBinderImpl

Methods in org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.internal that return ServiceBindingOptions
<T> ServiceBindingOptions
ServiceBinderImpl.bind(Class<T> serviceClass)
<T> ServiceBindingOptions
ServiceBinderImpl.bind(Class<T> serviceInterface, Class<? extends T> serviceImplementation)
<T> ServiceBindingOptions
ServiceBinderImpl.bind(Class<T> serviceInterface, ServiceBuilder<T> builder)
 ServiceBindingOptions ServiceBinderImpl.eagerLoad()
 ServiceBindingOptions ServiceBinderImpl.preventDecoration()
 ServiceBindingOptions ServiceBinderImpl.preventReloading()
 ServiceBindingOptions ServiceBinderImpl.scope(String scope)
 ServiceBindingOptions ServiceBinderImpl.withId(String id)
<T extends Annotation>
ServiceBinderImpl.withMarker(Class<T>... marker)
 ServiceBindingOptions ServiceBinderImpl.withSimpleId()

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