Package org.apache.tapestry5.ioc

A code-centric, high-performance, simple Inversion of Control container


Interface Summary
AdvisorDef Definition of a service advisor, which (by default) is derived from a service advisor method.
AdvisorDef2 Extended version of AdvisorDef introduced to determine any module method annotated with Advise as an advisor method.
AnnotationAccess Introduced for Tapestry 5.3, contains new methods to provide access to annotations on the class, and on methods of the class.
AnnotationProvider A source of annotations.
Configuration<T> Object passed into a service contributor method that allows the method provide contributed values to the service's configuration.
IdMatcher A matcher of fully qualified ids.
Invocation Deprecated. Deprecated in 5.3, to be removed in 5.4.
Invokable<T> Similiar to Runnable execept that it returns a value.
Locatable Interface implemented by objects which carry a location tag.
Location A kind of tag applied to other objects to identify where they came from, in terms of a file (the resource), a line number, and a column number.
LoggerSource A wrapper around SLF4J's LoggerFactory that exists to allow particular projects to "hook" the creation of Logger instances.
MappedConfiguration<K,V> Object passed into a service contributor method that allows the method provide contributed values to the service's configuration.
Markable Interface implemented by objects which need to disambiguate services with marker annotations.
MessageFormatter Obtained from a Messages, used to format messages for a specific localized message key.
Messages Provides access to a messages catalog, a set of properties files that provide localized messages for a particular locale.
MethodAdvice Deprecated. Deprecated in 5.3, to be removed in 5.4.
MethodAdviceReceiver Interface used with service advisor methods to define advice.
ModuleBuilderSource The source for the module instance needed by any service builders, service contributors and service decorators that are mapped to instance methods.
ObjectCreator<T> Interface used to encapsulate any strategy used defer the creation of some object until just as needed.
ObjectLocator Defines an object which can provide access to services defined within a Registry, or to objects or object instances available by other means.
ObjectProvider Object providers represent an alternate way to locate an object provided somewhere in the Registry.
OperationTracker Used to track some set of operations in such a way that a failure (a thrown RuntimeException) will be logged along with a trace of the stack of operations.
OrderedConfiguration<T> Object passed into a service contributor method that allows the method provide contributed values to the service's configuration.
Registry Public access to the IoC service registry.
ReloadAware Optional interface that may be implemented by a service implementation (or even a proxy to give the service implementation more control over its lifecyle.
Resource Represents a resource on the server that may be used for server side processing, or may be exposed to the client side.
ServiceAdvisor Provided by a AdvisorDef to perform the advice (by invoking methods on a MethodAdviceReceiver).
ServiceBinder Allows a module to bind service interfaces to service implementation classes in support of autobuilding services.
ServiceBindingOptions Allows additional options for a service to be specified, overriding hard coded defaults or defaults from annotations on the service.
ServiceBuilder<T> A callback used to create a service implementation.
ServiceBuilderResources Extends ServiceResources with additional methods needed only by the service builder method, related to accessing a service's configuration.
ServiceDecorator A service decorator is derived from a DecoratorDef and is responsible for building an interceptor around an existing implementation (called the "delegate").
ServiceLifecycle Allows certain types of lifecycles to control exactly how services are instantiated.
ServiceLifecycle2 Extension to ServiceLifecycle that adds an additional method.
ServiceResources Contains resources that may be provided to a service when it initializes, which includes other services defined in the registry.

Class Summary
BaseLocatable Base implementation of Locatable.
IOCSymbols Configuration symbols used by the IoC container.
IOCUtilities A collection of utility methods for a couple of different areas, including creating the initial Registry.
Orderable<T> A wrapper that allows objects of a target type to be ordered.
OrderConstraint Represents an order constraints for OrderedConfiguration.
OrderConstraintBuilder Constructs order constraints for OrderedConfiguration.
RegistryBuilder Used to construct the IoC Registry.
ScopeConstants Defines constants for built-in scopes (used with the Scope annotation.

Package org.apache.tapestry5.ioc Description

A code-centric, high-performance, simple Inversion of Control container

Copyright © 2003-2012 The Apache Software Foundation.