Uses of Class

Packages that use SupportsInformalParameters
org.apache.tapestry5.corelib.base Base components intended to be extended by other components rather than used directly in templates. 
org.apache.tapestry5.corelib.components The set of core components available in all Tapestry applications 
org.apache.tapestry5.corelib.mixins The set of core mixins available in all Tapestry applications 
org.apache.tapestry5.kaptcha.components Kaptcha components 

Uses of SupportsInformalParameters in org.apache.tapestry5.corelib.base

Classes in org.apache.tapestry5.corelib.base with annotations of type SupportsInformalParameters
 class AbstractConditional
          Base class for If and Unless.
 class AbstractField
          Provides initialization of the clientId and elementName properties.
 class AbstractLink
          Provides base utilities for classes that generate clickable links.

Uses of SupportsInformalParameters in org.apache.tapestry5.corelib.components

Classes in org.apache.tapestry5.corelib.components with annotations of type SupportsInformalParameters
 class AddRowLink
          Used inside an AjaxFormLoop component to spur the addition of a new row.
 class Alerts
          Renders out an empty <div> element and provides JavaScript initialization to make the element the container for alerts.
 class Any
          Renders an arbitrary element including informal parameters.
 class BeanDisplay
          Used to display the properties of a bean, using an underlying BeanModel.
 class BeanEditForm
          A component that creates an entire form editing the properties of a particular bean.
 class BeanEditor
          A component that generates a user interface for editing the properties of a bean.
 class Delegate
          A component that does not do any rendering of its own, but will delegate to some other object that can do rendering.
 class Dynamic
          The Dynamic component allows a component to render itself differently at different times, by making use of an external template file.
 class Form
          An HTML form, which will enclose other components to render out the various types of fields.
 class FormFragment
          A FormFragment is a portion of a Form that may be selectively displayed.
 class FormInjector
          A way to add new content to an existing Form.
 class Grid
          A grid presents tabular data.
 class GridColumns
          Renders out the column headers for the grid, including links (where appropriate) to control column sorting.
 class Hidden
          Used to record a page property as a value into the form.
 class Label
          Generates a <label> element for a particular field.
 class LinkSubmit
          Generates a client-side hyperlink that submits the enclosing form.
 class Loop<T>
          A basic looping component; loops over a number of items (provided by its source parameter), rendering its body for each one.
 class Output
          A component for formatting output.
 class ProgressiveDisplay
          A component used to implement the progressive enhancement web design strategy; the component renders itself with a simplified initial content (i.e., "loading ...") and an Ajax request then supplies the component's true body.
 class RemoveRowLink
          Used inside a AjaxFormLoop to remove the current row from the loop.
 class Submit
          Corresponds to <input type="submit"> or <input type="image">, a client-side element that can force the enclosing form to submit.
 class Zone
          A Zone is portion of the output page designed for easy dynamic updating via Ajax or other client-side effects.

Uses of SupportsInformalParameters in org.apache.tapestry5.corelib.mixins

Classes in org.apache.tapestry5.corelib.mixins with annotations of type SupportsInformalParameters
 class RenderInformals
          Used to render out all informal parameters, at the end of the BeginRender phase.

Uses of SupportsInformalParameters in org.apache.tapestry5.kaptcha.components

Classes in org.apache.tapestry5.kaptcha.components with annotations of type SupportsInformalParameters
 class KaptchaField
          Field paired with a KaptchaImage to ensure that the user has provided the correct value.
 class KaptchaImage
          Part of a Captcha based authentication scheme; a KaptchaImage generates a new text image whenever it renders and can provide the previously rendered text subsequently (it is stored persistently in the session).

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