Uses of Class

Packages that use UsesMappedConfiguration [INTERNAL USE ONLY] internal service classes; API subject to change Tapestry IOC service interfaces Core services Various services for assets (e.g., images, JavaScript & CSS files) Support for Javascript (and CSS), including dynamically-added JavaScript and services that manage dynamically-added links to JavaScript (and CSS) assets. Services for extracting component metadata. 
org.apache.tapestry5.validator Validators for use by Tapestry (and custom) form field components. 

Uses of UsesMappedConfiguration in

Classes in with annotations of type UsesMappedConfiguration
 class AssetDispatcher
          Recognizes requests where the path begins with "/asset/" and delivers the content therein as a bytestream.
 interface ComponentInstantiatorSource
          Creates Instantiators for components, based on component class name.
 interface PersistentFieldManager
          Handle persistent property changes.
 interface TemplateParser
          Parses a resource into a ComponentTemplate.

Uses of UsesMappedConfiguration in

Classes in with annotations of type UsesMappedConfiguration
 interface ServiceLifecycleSource
          Provides access to user defined lifecycles (beyond the two built-in lifecycles: "singleton" and "primitive").
 interface ServiceOverride
          Used to override built in services.
 interface SymbolProvider
          A provider of values for symbols, used by the SymbolSource service.

Uses of UsesMappedConfiguration in

Classes in with annotations of type UsesMappedConfiguration
 interface ApplicationStateManager
          Responsible for managing session state objects, objects which persist between requests, but are not tied to any individual page or component.
 interface ApplicationStatePersistenceStrategySource
          Used to provide access to ApplicationStatePersistenceStrategySource instances via a logical name for the stategy, such as "session".
 interface AssetSource
          Used to find or create an Asset with a given path.
 interface BindingSource
          Used to acquire bindings for component parameters.
 interface ClasspathAssetAliasManager
          Used as part of the support for classpath Assets, to convert the Asset's Resource to a URL that can be accessed by the client.
 interface ComponentEventResultProcessor<T>
          Responsible for handling the return value provided by a component event handler method.
 interface DataTypeAnalyzer
          Used by BeanModelSource to identify the type of data associated with a particular property (represented as a PropertyAdapter).
 interface FieldValidatorSource
          Used to create FieldValidators for a particular Field component.
 interface HiddenFieldLocationRules
          Provides some assistance in determining where to place a hidden field based on standard (X)HTML elements.
 interface MetaDataLocator
          Used to lookup meta data concerning a particular component.
 interface NullFieldStrategySource
          A source for NullFieldStrategy instances based on a logical name.
 interface ObjectRenderer<T>
          A strategy interface used for converting an object into markup that describes that object.
 interface SessionPersistedObjectAnalyzer<T>
          Analyzes a session-persisted object, specifically to see if it is dirty or not.
 interface TranslatorAlternatesSource
          This service is used by TranslatorSource to specify Translator alternates: translators that are used when specified explicitly by name.
 interface TranslatorSource
          A source for Translators, either by name or by property type.
 interface ValueEncoderSource
          A source for value encoders based on a property type.

Uses of UsesMappedConfiguration in

Classes in with annotations of type UsesMappedConfiguration
 interface CompressionAnalyzer
          Identifies which content types are compressable.
 interface ContentTypeAnalyzer
          Used to determine the MIME content type for a resource.
 interface ResourceMinimizer
          Certain kinds of resources can be minimized: this primarily refers to JavaScript and CSS, both of which contain whitespace, comments and other features that can be reduced.
 interface StreamableResourceSource
          Converts Resources into StreamableResources, and may be responsible for transforming resources based on file extension.

Uses of UsesMappedConfiguration in

Classes in with annotations of type UsesMappedConfiguration
 interface JavaScriptStackSource
          Manages the available JavaScriptStacks, each of which has a unique name.

Uses of UsesMappedConfiguration in

Classes in with annotations of type UsesMappedConfiguration
 interface MetaWorker
          Service that makes it easy to identify a class annotation and use its presence, or the value of an attribute, to set a meta-data key.

Uses of UsesMappedConfiguration in org.apache.tapestry5.validator

Classes in org.apache.tapestry5.validator with annotations of type UsesMappedConfiguration
 interface ValidatorMacro
          Allows support for "validator macros", a simple-minded way of combining several related valiations together under a single name.

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